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Angular TodoMVC with ngrx - Step by Step tutorial

In this lab you will refactor a simole TodoMVC angular to use the ngrx platform for state managment.

  • this repo containes a number of projects.
    • the main project you are refactoring is under the src folder.
    • solution for both exercises are under ther projects folder.
    • if you would like to run either one of the solutions you can do so with the following command in your terminal.
    //exercise 1
    npm run start:ex1 
    //exercise 2
    npm run start:ex2


This lab already contains all the neccesary ngrx dependencies but when starting a clean project you should follow these steps

Lab Setup

  • Clone or dowload this repo.
  • In your terminal cd into your local repo folder.
  • install dependencies
    npm install
  • run the project
    npm start.

Exercise 1 - Setup The Store

In this exercise we will setup our store create our first actions and reducers, and connect our container component to listen for state changes.

Step 1 - Create and define Actions

  • Create an action file for Tasks related actions.
ng g action todo/Filter --group
  • Go to the file created todo/actions/filter.actions.ts.
    • Create a new Action for handling the state transitions of the currentFilter that filters the list.
    • Add a new action type to FilterActionTypes enum and remove the exsiting one.
    export enum FilterActionTypes {
      FilterTasks = '[Tasks] filter tasks'
    • Create a new FilterTasks action class to define the Action and it's payload.
    export class FilterTasks implements Action {
      readonly type = FilterActionTypes.FilterTasks;
      constructor(public payload:{ filter:Filter }){}
    • Add the FilterTasks class to TasksActions union type
    export type FilterActions =  FilterTasks;

Step 2 - Create the state

  • create the root state with the Cli
ng g store State --root --module app.module.ts 
  • Create the tasks feature state
ng g store todo/Tasks -m todo.module.ts

Step 3 - Add reducers and define state

  • Create the tasks list reducer of the feature state
ng generate reducer todo/Filter --reducers reducers/index.ts --group 
  • Inside the file created todo/reducers/filter.reducer.ts
    • Add the currentFilter property to the State interface, this props will hold the current filter the task list is filtered by.
    export interface State {
          currentFilter: Filter
    • Add the intial value of the currentFilter to initial state object.
    export const initialState: State = {
      currentFilter: Filter.ALL
    • Inside the reducer function add a case to the switch to handle the chages of the currentFilter state when the FilterTasks action is dispatched
    export function reducer(state = initialState, action: FilterActions): State {
      switch (action.type) {
          case FilterActionTypes.FilterTasks:
          return { ...state, currentFilter: action.payload.filter };
          return state;

Step 4 - Create Selectors

  • Inside todo/reducers/index.ts create selectors for the selecting the Tasks current filter
    • create a feature selector
    export const getTasks = createFeatureSelector<State>('tasks');
    • create a selector for the list state
    export const getFilter = createSelector( 
      (state) =>  state.filter
    • create a selector for the currentFilter
    export const getCurrentFilter= createSelector(
      (state) => state.currentFilter

Step 5 - Connect the container component

  • Inside the todo/todo-container/todo-container.component.ts add the Store service to the component.
		private store: Store<fromTasks.State>,
		private taskService: TaskService) {}
  • Update the currentFilter to be an observable<Filter> and add the $ suffix to it's name.
private currentFilter$: Observable<Filter>;
  • Inside the ngOnInit method set the new currentFilter$ observable to select the currentFilter from the state via the store service.
  • Add the tap operator for the observable, so that on every filter change new tasks will be fetched.
this.currentFilter$ = getCurrentFilter )
				tap( (filter) => this.fetchTasks(filter))
  • In the submitTask, removeTask and toggleTask methods, pipe the withLatestFrom operator to get the latest filter value from the currentFilter$ observable.
    submitTask(title: string) {
      		.subscribe( ([task,filter]) => this.fetchTasks(filter) );
      removeTask(task: Task) {
      		.subscribe( ([task, filter]) => this.fetchTasks(filter) );
      toggleTask(task: Task) {
      		.subscribe( ( [task,filter] ) => this.fetchTasks(filter) );
  • update the filterTasks method to dispatch the FilterTasks action.
    filterTasks(filter: Filter) { FilterTasks({filter}));

Exercise 2 - Effects & Entity

step 1 - Create and define Entity & Actions

  • Create the task entity reducer and actions using the cli
ng g entity todo/Task --reducers reducers/index.ts --group true

This will setup entity actions and reducer.

  • Because all actions realted to the Task entity are also async we will need to setup effects and some additional actions
  • in the todo/actions/task.actions.ts file add to the TaskActionTypes enum actions types for fetching, creating, updating, and removing tasks.
export enum TaskActionTypes {
  FetchTasks="[Task] Fetch Tasks",
  CreateTask="[Task] Create Tasks",
  PutTask="[Task] Put Tasks",
  RemoveTask = "[Task] Remove Task"
  • Add action classes for every type
export class FetchTasks implements Action {
	readonly type = TaskActionTypes.FetchTasks;
	constructor(public payload: {filter:Filter}){}

export class CreateTask implements Action {
	readonly type = TaskActionTypes.CreateTask;
	constructor(public payload: {task:Task}){}

export class PutTask implements Action {
	readonly type = TaskActionTypes.PutTask;
	constructor(public payload: {task:Task}){}
export class RemoveTask implements Action {
	readonly type = TaskActionTypes.RemoveTask;
	constructor(public payload: {id:number}){}
  • Inside todo/reducers/index.ts create selectors for selecting the Tasks, by using the selectAll selector from the entity adapter.
export const getTask = createSelector( getTasks, (state) =>  state.task );
export const getTaskEntities = createSelector(getTask, fromTask.selectAll);

step2 - Create Effects

  • create an Effects service for the tasks actions
ng g effect todo/Task -m todo/todo.module.ts --group true
  • Inject to the consturctor the TaskService;
 constructor(private actions$: Actions, private taskService: TaskService) {}
  • create an Effect for fetching task that should listen to the FetchTasks action and after fetching the tasks should dispatch a LoadTasks action.
	tasks$ = this.actions$.pipe(
		switchMap(action => {
			if (action.payload.filter !== Filter.ALL) {
				return this.taskService.searchTasks(
					action.payload.filter === Filter.COMPLETED
			return this.taskService.getTasks();
		map(tasks => new LoadTasks({ tasks }))
  • Create an effect for upserting tasks that will listen to the CreateTask and PutTask. at the end the effect should dispatch the UpsertTask action.
      upsertTask$ = this.actions$
      		ofType<CreateTask | PutTask>(
      		switchMap(action => {
      			if (action.type === TaskActionTypes.CreateTask) {
      				return this.taskService.addTask(action.payload.task.title);
      			} else {
      				return this.taskService.updateTask(action.payload.task);
      		map(task => new UpsertTask({ task }))
  • Create an effect for removing tasks the will listen to the RemoveTask action and at the end should dispatch a DeleteTask action.
      removeTask$ = this.actions$
      			switchMap(action => this.taskService.deleteTask(,
      			map(id => new DeleteTask({ id: id.toString()  }) )
  • In the src/App.module.ts and to the imports an EffectsModule.forRoot import.
	declarations: [
	imports: [
		HttpClientInMemoryWebApiModule.forRoot(TaskdbService,{put204:false, delete404:false}),
		StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers }),
		!environment.production ? StoreDevtoolsModule.instrument() : [],
	providers: [],
	bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Step 3 - Connect the Component

  • Inside the todo/todo-container/todo-container.component.ts add the Store service to the component.
  • Update the fetchTasks method to only dispatch a fetchTasks action FetchTasks({ filter }));
  • Update the submitTask, removeTask and toggleTask method to only dispatch actions.
	fetchTasks(filter: Filter){ FetchTasks({ filter }));
	submitTask(title: string) { CreateTask( {task:new Task(null, title)}));

	removeTask(task: Task) { RemoveTask({}));

	toggleTask(task: Task) { PutTask({task}));
  • Change to tasks property to an Observable of Task[]
    tasks$: Observable<Task[]>;
  • Inside the ngOnInit initialize it by selecting it from the state
	ngOnInit() {
		this.tasks$ =;
		this.currentFilter$ = getCurrentFilter )
				tap( (filter) => this.fetchTasks(filter))
  • Inside the todo/todo-container/todo-container.component.html update the tasks binding
	[todos]="tasks$ | async"
	[filter]="currentFilter$ | async"


Angular ngrx tutorial lab






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