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Element API

semperos edited this page Apr 30, 2013 · 7 revisions

Once you've positioned your browser driver at the page you want and have setup any other parameters (like [caching](Caching Support), [grid support](Grid Support), or a special [Firefox profile](Firefox Support)), you are ready to interact with individual elements on the page.

Finding Things

The heart of clj-webdriver's API is the find-element function. This function wraps the various ways that Selenium-WebDriver allows you to find elements and condenses them into a handful of "mini languages" for finding elements on the page, hopefully in a more Clojure-amenable fashion.

This section of the wiki is underdeveloped. Track progress on improving it and find more examples of find-element in Issue #100.

Element Actions

Once you've used find-element to locate an element of interest, you can perform any number of actions on the element:

Element Information:

  • attribute - Return the given attribute of the given page element
  • displayed?, visible?, present? - Synonyms for the same function, which returns true or false depending on whether or not the given element is visible on the page
  • exists? - Return true if the given element exists (new signature in version 0.5.x)
  • html - Return the outer HTML of the given page element
  • location - Return the X/Y coordinates of the given page element within the view port
  • location-once-visible - Return the same as location, but only when the given element is made visible by scrolling down the page
  • tag - Return the tag of the given element
  • text - Return the textual content of the given page element
  • value - A shortcut for (attribute element :value)
  • xpath - Return the XPath expression which points to the given page element

Here are information-based functions that are specific to form elements:

  • enabled? - Return true or false depending on whether or not the given element is enabled
  • selected? - Return true or false depending on whether or not the given element is selected

Element Actions:

(Many of these functions are limited specifically to form elements)

  • clear - Clear the contents of the given element (e.g. text field)
  • click - Click the given page element
  • deselect - Deselect the given option element (multi-select select field)
  • drag-and-drop-by - Drag an element by given horizontal and vertical pixel dimensions
  • drag-and-drop-on - Drag one element onto another
  • flash - Visibly flash the given element (helpful for spotting hard-to-see elements on the page during test composition)
  • focus - Shift focus to the given page element
  • select - Select the given option element
  • send-keys, input-text - Send the given string to the given page element (e.g. text field)
  • submit - Submit the form that contains the given page element

Caching Things

Read the page on Caching Support for more information about caching elements of the page.