Day | Deliverable | Status |
Day 1 | Project Description | Complete |
Day 1 | Wireframes / Priority Matrix / Timeline backend and frontend |
Complete |
Day 2 | Working RestAPI | Complete |
Day 3 | Core Application Structure (HTML, CSS, etc.) | Complete |
Day 4 | MVP & Bug Fixes | Complete |
Day 5 | Final Touches and Present | Complete |
For the unit04 project, I'm creating a wrong answer note. Users sign up and login with a custom username and password and then are taken to a mobile, tablet, and desktop application where they can add a subject. In each subject, they can add a wrong answer note. Each user can create, read, update, and delete their note.
- Proper authentication and authorization for login
- Create models and migration files for category, and note
- Create CRUD functionalities for category, and note
- Test all routes
- Deploy to Heroku
- Add model and migration file for image notes
Letter | Component | Priority | Estimated Time | Time Invested |
A | Create category model | H | 1hr | 1hr |
B | Create note model | H | 1hr | 1hr |
C | Create category view | H | 2hrs | 1hr |
D | Create note view | H | 2hrs | 1hr |
E | Test and debug view locally | H | 3hrs | 1hr |
F | Deployment | H | 1hr | 2hrs |
G | Test and debug view remotely | H | 3hrs | 1hr |
- | Total | - | 13hrs | 8hrs |
Letter | Component | Priority | Estimated Time | Time Invested |
A | Create image note model | L | 1hr | -hr |
B | Create image note view | L | 3hrs | -hr |
- | Total | - | 4hrs | -hrs |
ERROR: I wasn't able to work on Heroku
RESOLUTION: I reset the data, and migrate to Heroku again
heroku pg:reset --app="sap4backend"
heroku run python migrate --app="sap4backend"
heroku run python createsuperuser --app="sap4backend"