Install ZSH and OH-MY-ZSH (make sure to switch your default shell to ZSH using
chsh -s /bin/zsh
..and then..
Warning: installation process may remove some of your files. Only install this software at your own risk.
curl -L | zsh
wget --no-check-certificate -O - | zsh
Installation script installs only dotfiles for the components that are installed on your system. Here is the full list of components:
- rainbarf for TMUX
configuration file is copied and not symlinked upon installation
because your name and email should be hardcoded there without changing
the dotfiles repo. So after pulling in new commits related to git
configuration I do sh ~/.dotfiles/tools/
which syncs
everything, including bringing in new git configuration file.
Below are some screenshots of how your environment should look after setting up the dotfiles. Make sure to apply Solarized theme to your terminal in order to get similar effect.
- Run
the first time you open VIM to install all plugins
On FreeBSD following works for me:
# cpan
cpan> force install App::rainbarf
On OS X just:
brew install rainbarf
Go to iterm2
-> Preferences
-> Profiles
-> Color Schemes
, import
scheme from iterm/Dracula.itermcolors
and activate it
Go to Preferences
-> Profiles
-> Advanced
-> Semantic History
and set Run command...
- /Users/{user}/.tmux/ \1 \2
replace {user}
with your user account name
Create a pane named vimc
, run vim
there and forget about it. When you click
on filepath, it's used to edit the file.
On fresh CentOS machine I usually start by running following as root
Install binaries
# yum -y install zsh git cpan
# cpan -i App::rainbarf
Allow sudo for wheel
users without password:
comment out
%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
and uncomment%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
Create user for myself
# useradd USERNAME
# passwd USERNAME
Changing password for user USERNAME.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
# usermod -aG wheel USERNAME
# curl -L | sh
Edit ~/.gitconfig and enter proper name and email in relevant fields.
Open vim
and run :BundleInstall
# mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && touch .ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Edit ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
and insert your remote PC public SSH key there without line breaks
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
cat ~/.ssh/id_*** | pbcopy
paste buffer in