A simple and effective boilerplate repo to quickstart test automation frameworks
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The goal is to have this repo with boilerplate code in a way that anyone can quickstart a variety of automation frameworks, from functional to non-functional testing.
- User interface testing (java) containing:
- Code checkstyle
- Customizable testing suites
- Lombok (boilerplate code generator)
- Capabilities to run mocked tests
- HTML reports
- Selenide (selenium webdriver library)
- Selenium Grid 🐳
- Jenkins templates (kubernetes compatible!)
- Sonarqube 🐳
- Elastic Stack 🐳
- Distributed Test Reporting
- Service Monitoring
- Slack custom notifications
- Load testing
🐳 stands for Dockerized.
Fork this project, or clone it. That easy!
You'll find a readme with all the documentation within each package. Those are mostly going to be guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes or implement new features in a pull request.
Available here.
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Open source from the first commit ✨
Dive into the contribution guide.