##sublime-magento Sublime text 2 plugin for easier magento development. It contains code snippets for faster module creation (code within standard module files - mostly XML).
InsertClass command (original work @serpentblade)
Used to insert class name -> works for all classes except controllers (unless you are willing to delete 'controllers' word)
{ "keys": ["ctrl+i"], "command": "magento_insert_class"}
OpenFromMagentoPath command
On keypress fills the "goto" panel with the text between the nearest quotation marks (single or double). Useful for file paths. Also useful for 'magento-like' paths like ('core/input_filter_maliciousCode') where the command removes the '_' and '/' characters and also populates the "goto" panel.
{ "keys": ["alt+shift+p"], "command": "magento_open_from_magento_path"}
CreateModule command
On keypress opens up a dialog for new module name. Name should be entered in the format of "Namespace_ModuleName". Newly created module will be located in the local/Namespace/ModuleName, and it will have few things created already (Model, Helper, Helper/Data.php, Block, controllers, etc, etc/config.xml, controllers), and also will be registered in "/app/etc/Modules/Namespace_Modulename.xml". New module will have the default version of 0.0.1.
{ "keys": ["alt+shift+m"], "command": "magento_create_module"}
// (original work @serpentblade)
model => Mage::getModel('module/model');
helper => Mage::helper('module/helper');
resource => Mage::getResourceModel('module/model');
singleton => Mage::getSingleton('module/model');
- magento module registration in app/etc/modules/Namespace_Modulename
- creates the following snippet with your module name already in place, and cursor on codePool
- magento module configuration initialization in app/code/[codePool]/Namespace/Modulename/etc/config.xml
- creates the following snippet with the cursor placed to insert your Namespace_Modulename, autopopulating the closing tag. Tabbing moves you to version.
- magento module configuration frontend in app/code/[codePool]/Namespace/Modulename/etc/config.xml
- creates the following snippet with the cursor placed to insert your router tag, autopopulating the closing tag. Tabbing moves you to module.
- magento module configuration of models, helpers and blocks in app/code/[codePool]/Namespace/Modulename/etc/config.xml
- Extends the mag-confinit adding few new things
- creates the following snippet with the cursor placed to insert your module name. When you insert it, everything else is autopopulated. Tabbing moves you to version tag.
- creates admin routers xml code
< before="Mage_Adminhtml">_Adminhtml</>