Game for 4 human players with possibility to play against up to 8 bots. Originally created for my niece :)
Table of Contents
To get a local copy up and run the game you need to have python 3.7(or newer) and necessary packages installed.
Pygame package is necessary to run this game. Install it via IDE or in terminal with help of "pip".
- pygame
pip install pygame
Create Venv in your IDE
Activate your Venv
Clone reporitory
git clone
Open repository in as your project in your IDE or if you are using terminal use command
cd <your location of repository on disk>
Install pygame package with
pip install -r requirements.txt
or simply install pygame package withpip install pygame
Launch the game
You can skip intro or start game directly to the options menu by changing "game_status" definition from default "welcome_intro" to other string from list of strings called "game_state".
Main menu
Gameplay example
Keyboard controls
Options with possibility to change background/map and pick number of players
Basic endscreen with most successful player
- Up to 4 human players
- Up to 8 AIs
- Jump effect
- Jump bonus
- Multithreading
- AI optimalization and improvement of position awarness
- Prediction improvements
- Learning AI mechanism
- AI difficulties
- Multiple resolution support
- Localization
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Radoslav S.: [email protected]
- This game is still in alpha state
- Please dont hesitate to create a new issue when something goes wrong :)
- Licences of music and images of maps are issued by Pixabay GmbH c/o Lacore Rechtsanwälte LLP for free, if you want to use those assets in your fork, please claim your copy of licence by creating account at those online services.