📦 Archived - This repository is archived and preserved for reference only. No updates, issues, or pull requests will be accepted. If you have questions, please reach out to our support team.
The AWS SDK + a handful of extra convenience methods.
// require aws-sdk-extra, instead of the official aws-sdk
const aws = require(`@serverless/aws-sdk-extra`)
// initialize any service, as usual.
const s3 = new aws.S3({
credentials: { accessKeyId: 'xxx', secretAccessKey: 'xxx' },
region: 'us-east-1'
// initialize the Extras service for extra methods
const extras = new aws.Extras({
credentials: { accessKeyId: 'xxx', secretAccessKey: 'xxx' },
region: 'us-east-1'
// call some powerful extra methods. More info below.
const certificate = await extras.deployCertificate(params)
- deployDistributionDomain
- deployCertificate
- deployDistributionDns
- addDomainToDistribution
- getDomainHostedZoneId
- deployRole
- removeRole
- removeRolePolicies
- deployLambda
- deployApigDomainDns
- deployAppSyncApi
- deployAppSyncSchema
- deployAppSyncResolvers
- deployStack
- removeStack
Deploys a CloudFront distribution domain by adding the domain to the distribution and deploying the certificate and DNS records.
const params = {
domain: 'serverless.com',
distributionId: 'xxx'
const {
} = await extras.deployDistributionDomain(params)
Deploys a free ACM certificate for the given domain.
const params = {
domain: 'serverless.com'
const { certificateArn, certificateStatus, domainHostedZoneId } = await extras.deployCertificate(
Deploys a DNS records for a distribution domain.
const params = {
domain: 'serverless.com',
distributionUrl: 'xxx.cloudfront.net'
const { domainHostedZoneId } = await extras.deployDistributionDns(params)
Adds a domain or subdomain to a CloudFront Distribution.
const params = {
domain: 'serverless.com',
certificateArn: 'xxx:xxx',
certificateStatus: 'ISSUED'
const { domainHostedZoneId } = await extras.addDomainToDistribution(params)
Fetches the hosted zone id for the given domain.
const params = {
domain: 'serverless.com'
const { domainHostedZoneId } = await extras.getDomainHostedZoneId(params)
Updates or creates the given role name with the given service & policy. You can specify an inline policy:
const params = {
name: 'my-role',
service: 'lambda.amazonaws.com',
policy: [
Effect: 'Allow',
Action: ['sts:AssumeRole'],
Resource: '*'
Effect: 'Allow',
Action: ['logs:CreateLogGroup', 'logs:CreateLogStream'],
Resource: '*'
const { roleArn } = await extras.deployRole(params)
Or you can specify the policy as a maanged policy arn string:
const params = {
name: 'my-role',
service: 'lambda.amazonaws.com',
policy: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole'
const { roleArn } = await extras.deployRole(params)
If you don't specify a policy property, an admin policy will be created by default.
Removes the given role and all its attached managed and inline policies.
const params = {
name: 'my-role'
await extras.removeRole(params)
Removes all attached managed and inline policies for the given role.
const params = {
name: 'my-role'
await extras.removeRolePolicies(params)
Updates a lambda if it exists, otherwise creates a new one.
const params = {
lambdaName: 'my-lambda', // required
roleArn: 'aws:iam:role:arn:xxx', // required
lambdaSrc: 'path/to/lambda/directory' // required. could also be a buffer of a zip file
memory: 512 // optional, along with the other lambda config
vpcConfig: // optional, specify a VPC
- sg-xxx
- subnet-xxx
- subnet-xxx
const { lambdaArn, lambdaSize, lambdaSha } = await extras.deployLambda(params)
Deploys the DNS records for an Api Gateway V2 HTTP custom domain
const params = {
domain: 'serverless.com', // required. The custom domain you'd like to configure.
apigatewayHostedZoneId: 'qwertyuiop', // required. The regional hosted zone id of the APIG custom domain
apigatewayDomainName: 'd-qwertyuiop.xxx.com' // required. The regional endpoint of the APIG custom domain
const { domainHostedZoneId } = await extras.deployApigDomainDns(params)
Updates or creates an AppSync API
const params = {
apiName: 'my-api',
apiId: 'xxx' // if provided, updates the API. If not provided, creates a new API
const { apiId, apiUrls } = await extras.deployAppSyncApi(params)
Updates or creates an AppSync Schema
const params = {
apiId: 'xxx', // the targeted api id
schema: '...' // valid graphql schema
await extras.deployAppSyncApi(params)
Updates or creates AppSync Resolvers
const params = {
roleName: 'my-role', // name of the role that provides access for these resources to the required resources
resolvers: {
Query: {
getPost: {
lambda: 'getPost' // name of the lambda function to use as a resolver for the getPost field
Mutation: {
putPost: {
lambda: 'putPost'
await extras.deployAppSyncResolvers(params)
Updates or creates a CloudFormation stack.
const inputs = {
stackName: 'my-stack', // required
template: {
// required
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09',
Description: 'Example Stack',
Resources: {
LogGroup: {
Type: 'AWS::Logs::LogGroup',
Properties: {
LogGroupName: '/log/group/one',
RetentionInDays: 14
Outputs: {
firstStackOutput: {
Value: {
'Fn::GetAtt': ['LogGroup', 'Arn']
secondStackOutput: {
Value: {
'Fn::GetAtt': ['LogGroup', 'Arn']
capabilities: ['CAPABILITY_IAM'],
parameters: {
firstParameter: 'value'
role: 'arn:iam:xxx'
const outputs = await extras.deployStack(params)
Removes a CloudFormation stack if it exists.
const prams = {
stackName: 'my-stack' // name of the stack you want to remove
await extras.removeStack(params)