Huawei iBMC cmdlets provide powershell Cmdlets to manage iBMC using Redfish API. These cmdlets contains the most commonly used features such as: information query, RAID configuration, OS deploy, firmware upgrade.
Huawei Blade Server: RH1288 V3, RH2288 V3, RH2288H V3, 1288H V5, 2288H V5, 2288 V5, 2488H V5 Huawei Rack Server: CH121 V3, CH242 V3 Huawei High-density Server: XH622 V3, XH321 V5
PowerShell 5.0+
Online installation
Install-Module -Name Huawei-iBMC-Cmdlets -RequiredVersion 1.3.2
Local installation
1、Decompress the Huawei-iBMC-Cmdlets software packages to obtaion the Huawei-iBMC-Cmdlets folder 2、Copy the Huawei-iBMC-Cmdlets folder to the PowerShell installation directory
3、Run the following command to install Huawei-iBMC-Cmdlets:Import-Module -Name Huawei-iBMC-Cmdlets -Force
This is a sample for get user accounts:
PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential
PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert
PS C:\> $Users = Get-iBMCUser -Session $session
PS C:\> $Users
Host :
Id : 2
Name : User Account
UserName : Administrator
RoleId : Administrator
Locked : False
Enabled : True
Oem : @{Huawei=}
Host :
Id : 3
Name : User Account
UserName : root
RoleId : Administrator
Locked : True
Enabled : True
Oem : @{Huawei=}
To get all available cmdlets provided by Huawei-iBMC-Cmdlets
PS C:\> Get-Command -Module Huawei-iBMC-Cmdlets
To get help for a specified cmdlet:
PS C:\> get-help Connect-iBMC -Full