pacaur - a fast workflow AUR wrapper using cower as backend
Usage: pacaur <operation> [ options ] [ package(s) ]
Pacaur is an Arch User Repository (AUR) helper aiming at speed and simplicity, designed to minimize user prompt interaction and to use an uncluttered interface. It is built upon the well designed cower and expac C backends. Invoking pacaur consists of supplying an operation, any applicable options, and usually one or more targets.
Pacaur provides two sets of command line options: commands which call the pacman binary and extend for AUR functions (-S, -Q), and commands which are AUR specific (-s, -i, -d, -m, -y, -k, -u). As such, pacaur can be used by users who prefer to have a single tool to manage officials and AUR repositories, or by users who prefer to keep their AUR frontend separated from pacman.
Fundamental knowledge of the AUR manual build process with makepkg is assumed to be known.
- -S, -Ss, -Si, -Sii, -Sw, -Su, -Qu, -Sc, -Scc
Pacaur wraps pacman operations and extends respectively its install, search, info, download, update, check updates and clean functions to the AUR. This behavior is optional and can be disabled with the fallback variable in the config file. Pacaur will also pass any pacman related options to the pacman binary.
- -s, --search
Search for packages with the target(s) as the search term(s). Queries with multiple targets will return the result of the intersection of all query results. Extended regex patterns as defined by POSIX are allowed.
- -i, --info
Show info for target. Pass this option twice to fetch more detailed info.
- -d, --download
Download target(s) PKGBUILD. Pass this option twice to fetch dependencies (done recursively).
- -m, --makepkg
Download target(s) PKGBUILD and build target(s). Missing dependencies will be installed as required to ensure the build to succeed, before being automatically uninstalled.
- -y, --sync
Download target(s) PKGBUILD, build and install target(s). Missing dependencies will be automatically installed as required.
- -k, --check
Check foreign packages for updates in the AUR. Without any arguments, all manually installed packages will be checked. If targets are supplied, only those targets will be checked.
- -u, --update
Update foreign packages in the AUR. Without any arguments, all manually installed packages will be updated. If targets are supplied, only those targets will be updated.
- -v, --version
Display version and quit.
- -h, --help
Display the help message and quit.
- --fixbackend
When cower backend breaks following an update, attempt to fix it by quickly rebuilding it.
- -e, --edit
Edit target(s) PKGBUILD and view install script when downloading or building target(s). Can also be used as a standalone command.
- -c, --clean
Remove target(s) build files after building target(s). Pass this option twice to force cleaning when the cleandevel option is disabled. Can also be used as a standalone command. When passed twice without any arguments, clean the entire build directory.
- -q, --quiet
Show less information for search and query operations. Search will only show package names and not version, group, and description information.
- -a, --aur
When used with pacman extended operations, only search or install packages from the AUR.
- -r, --repo
When used with pacman extended operations, only search or install packages from the repositories.
- -f, --force
Overwrite existing files when downloading.
- --devel
When used with update operations, also upgrade AUR development packages (supported are cvs, svn, git, hg, bzr and darcs development packages).
- --ignore package(s)
Ignore a package upgrade. Can be used more than once. Also accepts a comma delimited list as a single argument. Packages listed in pacman and cower's IgnorePkg directive are honored.
- --noconfirm
Perform commands without confirmation from the user.
- --noedit
Perform commands without editing any installation files. Bypass --edit option.
- --rebuild
Always rebuild package(s) regardless of any existing file in $PKGDEST directory.
- --insecure
When using the secure mode, temporarily disable it to allow full $CARCH bash magic compatibility by enabling the full bash dependency solver. If potentially harmful code using sudo is detected, a notice will be shown before sourcing.
- --asroot
When building AUR package(s) as root, allow makepkg to run as root user.
- system config
Pacaur honors a system-wide config file which will be looked for first at
and falling back to
- user config
User-defined configuration files overriding the general settings will be looked for first at
and falling back to
- other config
In addition, pacaur fully honors cower config file and makepkg environment variables. See cower(1) and makepkg(8).
The available options are:
- builddir
Define the build directory. Default is $BUILDDIR, with a fallback on /tmp/pacaurtmp-$USER.
- editor
Define the editor. Default is $EDITOR, with a fallback on vi.
- editpkgbuild
Enable PKGBUILD editing prompt. Default is true.
- editinstall
Enable install script editing prompt. Default is true.
- fallback
Extend pacman commands to the AUR. Default is true.
- clean
Clean build directory after operation. Default is true.
- cleandevel
When clean config option is enabled, clean build directory of development packages. Default is true.
- color
Enable color output. This option requires the pacman binary pacman-color to be installed. Default is false.
- secure
Use cower's internal dependency solver instead of the full bash solver to enhance security. This breaks compatibility with $CARCH bash magic and PKGBUILDs using the $CARCH makepkg variable will not be correctly handled anymore. In normal mode, a notice will however be shown before sourcing if potentially harmful code using sudo is detected. Default is false.
cower(1), pacman(8), makepkg(8)
Remy Marquis <[email protected]>