For supplying convenience for the CVer studying the masked face tasks, we created a simulated masked face dataset based on the CelebA dataset.
This simulated masked face dataset called FaceMask_CelebA,which include 202599 masked face images and the modified face bbox label.
Download the FaceMask_CelebA (密码:chjo) dataset from Baidu Netdisk.
Download the FaceMask_CelebA dataset from Google Drive.
Visit the CelebA For more Face Attribute annotation and other information.
Simulate masked face through the five landmarks.The pasted face mask images(RGBA) are downloaded from net. After crop the min area of mask,paste it on the corresponding position.You also can add more face mask image to paste.
Because of the original face bbox not matched,So we modified the face bbox.The face bounding box also generated from the five landmarks.