Nala is a BDD (Behavior Driven Development) testing framework of Specifications flavor for .NET. Nala is intended to drive development by specifying behavior within a declared specifications. Nala is heavily inspired by jasmine.
A basic Specification test:
public class SimpleTest : Nala.Framework.Nala
public void A_fail_test()
It("the test", () => { Expect("").ToBeNull(); });
public void A_success_test()
It("the test", () => { Expect<string>(null).ToBeNull(); });
public void A_describe_with_a_fail_test()
Describe("the describe of a fail test", () =>
It("the test", () => { Expect("").ToBeNull(); });
public void A_describe_with_a_success_test()
Describe("the describe of a success test", () =>
It("the test", () => { Expect<string>(null).ToBeNull(); });
A Specification with ignored test:
public class DescribeWithIgoredTest : Nala.Framework.Nala
public void Method_with_describe_an_ignored_test()
Describe("a describe with ignore test", () =>
XIt("ignored test", () => { throw new System.Exception(); });
public void Method_with_ignored_describe_an_a_test()
XDescribe("a describe with ignore test", () =>
It("ignored test", () => { throw new System.Exception(); });
public void Method_with_ignored_describe_an_ignored_test()
XDescribe("a describe with ignore test", () =>
XIt("ignored test", () => { throw new System.Exception(); });
public void Method_with_ignored_describe_and_another_describe_and_a_test()
XDescribe("a describe with ignore test", () =>
Describe("another describe", () =>
It("ignored test", () => { throw new System.Exception(); });
public void Method_with_ignored_describe_and_another_describe_with_another_describe_and_a_test()
XDescribe("a describe with ignore test", () =>
Describe("another describe", () =>
Describe("another of another describe", () =>
It("ignored test", () => { throw new System.Exception(); });
A Specification with BeforeEach:
public class DescribeWithSuccessTestAndForEach : Nala.Framework.Nala
public void A_describe_with_a_success_test_and_forEach_method()
Describe("the describe of a success test with for each method", () =>
var value = 0;
BeforeEach(() => { value++;});
It("the test with for each for each method", () => { Expect(value).ToBe(1); });
It("another test with for each for each method", () => { Expect(value).ToBe(2); });
public void A_describe_with_a_fail_test_and_forEach_method()
Describe("the describe of a fail test with for each method", () =>
var value = 0;
BeforeEach(() => { value++;});
It("the test with for each for each method", () => { Expect(value).ToBe(1); });
It("another test with for each for each method", () =>
A Specification with BeforeAll:
public class DescribeWithTestAndBeforeAll : Nala.Framework.Nala
public void A_describe_with_a_success_test_and_forEach_method()
Describe("the describe of a success test with for each method", () =>
var beforeAllWasThrough = false;
BeforeAll(() => { beforeAllWasThrough = true;});
It("a test", () => {Expect(beforeAllWasThrough).ToBe(true);});
Describe("the describe of a fail test with for each method", () =>
var beforeAllWasThrough = false;
BeforeAll(() => { beforeAllWasThrough = true;});
It("a test", () => {Expect(true).ToBe(false);});
A Specification with AfterEach:
public class DescribeWithTestAndAfterEach : Nala.Framework.Nala
public void A_describe_with_a_success_test_and_afterEach_method()
Describe("the describe of a success test with after each method", () =>
var value = 2;
AfterEach(() => { value++;});
It("the test with for each for each method", () => { Expect(value).ToBe(2); });
It("another test with for each for each method", () => { Expect(value).ToBe(1); });
public void A_describe_with_a_fail_test_and_afterEach_method()
Describe("the describe of a fail test with after each method", () =>
var value = 0;
AfterEach(() => { value++;});
It("the test with for each for each method", () => { Expect(value).ToBe(2); });
It("another test with for each for each method", () =>
A Specification with AfterAll:
public class DescribeWithTestAndAfterAll : Nala.Framework.Nala
public void A_describe_with_a_success_test_and_after_all_method()
Describe("the describe of a success test with after all method", () =>
AfterAll(() => { Expect(true).ToBe(true);});
It("a test", () => {Expect(false).ToBe(true);});
public void A_describe_with_a_fail_test_and_after_all_method()
Describe("the describe of a fail test with after all method", () =>
AfterAll(() => { Expect(true).ToBe(true); });
It("a test", () => {Expect(true).ToBe(true);});
for running the specifications:
Nala.Runner.exe <the/path/to/specifications.dll>