A smal collection of scripts i have used over time which can be nice to have in your toolbelt!
I tried to make a Linux "id" command but the PowerShell way :D. AD not tested, but should work, sadly i dont have AD at home :(.
Not even close to the original but stil nice.
"f" stand for file, since you only can use that on plain text files and not like the normal grep, where you could filter after executing "ps"(for example).
It works just like the
file -f
Gather usefull infos of local or remote computer.
Change NTFS permission on directory or file. (Sry no fancy output yet :C)
Just like the
command on Linux, it shows memory and swap stats.
Shows disk/volume information. Just like the
df -h
IMPORTANT! You will need PS Version 7 or higher for the top script to run.
Open PowerShell.
Type $env:PSModulePath -split ';'
Choose one of the locations and paste the "Power-User" direcotry there.
Then open a new PowerShell console and type Import-Module Power-User
If you can't import the module for wahtever resaon, try Get-Module -ListAvailable
and look for Power-User
If nothing works do this Import-Module \\Path\to\Power-User