mySites ver 0.20 03/01/2021 12:00pm
mySites is a personal start page “app” built on standard CSS, HTML and JavaScript for local use on your computer allowing you to conveniently access your favorite and most frequently visited web sites. mySites organizes six pages (Home + 5 other pages) of your specified web sites on a grid of 65 (13 rows x 5 columns) cells for a total of 390 individual links that can easily be accessed according to categories (page navigation buttons) and subcategories (column headings) that you define. Figure 1 below shows the home page layout of mySites.
Figure 1 - mySites Home Screen
The mySites “app” can be downloaded from Choose either the self-extracting mySites.exe or the zip file mySites is available free for your convenience although we always welcome a donation so we can continue to advance and support our downloadable solution for you.
Developers can access mySites at: sfarrand/mySites (
“Installing” mySites is no more that extracting the mySites file bundle to a folder on your computer and then double clicking the index.html file to render the browser screen you see in figure 1.
Download mySites.exe (windows 10) or (mac or Linux), place file in the folder of your choice and then extract the files by executing the mySites.exe self-extracting zip file or unzipping
The file hierarchy in a folder of your choosing would be as shown in figure 2.
Figure 2 – mySites file hierarchy
Once the files are extracted, double click the index.html file to bring up mySites as shown in figure 1.
Each page represented by a button on the navigation bar is a grid of URLs that you input including a meaningful label to click to access your site. To populate the URLs, press the <Edit> button in the lower left corner. You will see each cell in the grid form a “hot spot” in the upper left corner of the cell. Clicking the hot spot will present a dialog for you to enter the fully qualified URL and your personalized label as shown in figure 3 below.
Figure 3 – Input/Edit Hyperlink to a site
Continue populating as many grid cells as you choose, it is OK to leave blank cells. Press the “Done” button on the dialog box to save the URL in the cell. Once finished populating the cells with your preferred web sites press the <Save> button in the lower left corner. The browser will behave as if you are downloading a file to your computer. Select the browser’s <Save as> and save the file in the “mySites” folder using the suggested file name for the page (eg, index.html, Page1.html, Page2.html, …). You should notice the hot spots are removed and the label you input into each cell are now “live” links to your sites’ URLs. Congratulations you have just created your first [or partial] page of links to your sites!
Notice the navigation buttons across the top of any page. The initial navigation bar looks as shown in figure 4.
Figure 4 – Initial navigation bar
To label the buttons with a word that categorizes the links on that page you follow a similar procedure as you did for input/editing URLs. Specifically, press the edit button in the lower left corner. Now press the navigation button itself and you will see the dialog in figure 5 appear on screen.
Figure 5 – Edit the navigation button
Type over the default “Page2” label with a meaningful label of your choice that represents the collection of URLs you plan to populate on that page. It is important to note that you must go to each page and edit that button to the same name. After each page has the button names you prefer you will “save” each page by pressing the <Save> button in the lower left corner. Again the browser will behave as if you are downloading a file. Select the browser’s <Save as> to save the page in the mySites folder preserving the page name suggested in the <Save as> dialog prompt.
The column headings on each page can also be customized to meaningful sub-category names that you prefer. To edit the column headings a similar procedure is used. Press the <Edit> button in the lower left. Then use the mouse to select or directly highlight the heading label. Instead of a dialog box you will just type the heading label directly into the cell. To save and finish press the <Save> button. The browser will behave as if you are downloading a file once again. Select <Save as> to save the page in the mySites folder preserving the page name suggested in the <Save as> dialog.
Note that when you press the <Edit> button in the lower left you enter into Edit Mode. While in Edit Mode you can perform any of the three functions: 1) Input/Edit URL, 2) Edit Button labels or 3) Edit Column headings on a single page. When initially using mySites it is convenient to fill out as much of a page in a session as you know to do at that time and then save the page. It is important to note that navigation button labels must be edited to the same name on each page. For example, change button <Page1> on the home page to <Streaming Sites> does not change that label on Page2 thru Page5. You much change the <Page1> button label on each of those pages to <Streaming Sites>.
Position footer as fixed at bottom on browser and inspire vertical scroll bar.
Ridge border around header and footer.
Precisely same as ver 0.15 except:
- Updated javascript clock to be in am/pm format versus military time.
First ‘beta’ release with base functions of:
6 customizable buttons for each page of sites representing a category of sites.
5 customizable column labels for each page representing a sub-category of sites.
1 dedicated button that links directly to google search.
Please provide any feedback to: [email protected]
Pre-release to alpha testers.
mySites has been tested in the following browsers: MS Edge, Chrome, Safari and Mozilla Firefox
Windows Chrome
Mac Safari
The URLs you input into mySites respect the same URLs of the browser you’re using. Of course, that would include http, https and typically mailto, file and ftp. Some browsers support additional address prefixes representing other protocols. mySites passes those to the browser to take the action it would normally take. For example, mailto:[email protected] populated in the URL of a cell will bring up your mail client and start an email to that address. This mechanism can be used in many convenient ways. For example, you can access your local file system (eg. file:///C:/users/myHome/ /documents/…) or open and application with a file loaded (eg. file:///C:/users/myHome/ /documents/xls/finance.xls)
mySites is quite useful to set as your browser start page – give it a try. Most new browsers no longer allow you to set a specified page for a new tab. The newer MS Edge (based on chromium) and Chrome do have an extension called “New Tab Redirect” that allows you to specify a URL to render upon creating a new tab. Just point the New Tab Redirect extension to render your local page in mySites, index.html, to instantly bring up the sites you populated in mySites.
One fun finishing touch is to put your own Avatar in the heading. This is done simply by replacing the file “mySites_avatar.png” in the mySights/images folder with a graphic of your avatar. An ideal size of the graphic is 128 x 128 pixels to 100 x 100 pixels.
mySites is Copyright © 2021 sfarrand and licensed under the MIT License.