an Asana clone. Open source group task manager.
Tech used:
- Backbone.js
- Rails 4.0.1
- Javascript + jQuery.
- Teams
- Users can be invited to any team.
- Projects
- Tasks can be organized in projects (or not!)
- Projects can belong to a team (shared) or yourself (private)
- Tasks
- Tasks can be assigned to any member. Tasks can be assigned to multiple users.
- Tasks can have subtasks. Subtasks can have subtask (on and on forever).
- Tasks can be sorted by date, or a custom priority based off dragging and dropping tasks. (or starring tasks)
- Users can comment on tasks that they are assigned to.
- Users can add tags to tasks
- Users can upload files to tasks.
- Hand rolled authentication system for easy customization
- Search
- Tasks can be searched by name, tag name, or description.
- Custom function in the Tasks collection to allow easier flexibility and customization.
##Upcoming features
- Implement node.js and socket.io to help with scaling. That way, events, when updated, can cause other users automatically to pull down the updates.
##Known Issues
Feel free to submit issues if you find bugs.