The default template for a Neutralinojs app. It's possible to use your favorite frontend framework by using these steps.
Shadichy 1st Shadichy 2nd Shadichy 3rd
- Made by Team Fuho Vietnam
Usage: ./ [--help] [--clean] [--version] [--target=<target>] [--os=<os>]
-h,--help Show this help
-c,--clean Clean the build directory
-V,--version Show the version
-D,--build-dir=<dir> Build the binaries in the specified directory (default: $(pwd))
-t,--target=<target> Build the specified target (default: all)
Supported targets: AppImage, script
-s,--os=<os> Build the specified os (default: all)
Supported os: linux, mac
-m,--arch=<arch> Build the specified architecture (default: $(uname -m))
Supported architecture: x86_64, i686
-d,--debug Build the debug version
-u,--update Update the binaries