docker run --rm --env-file .env --env-file .env-desserts menuparser:latest docker run --rm --env-file .env --env-file .env-desserts menuparser:latest docker run --rm --env-file .env --env-file .env-occasions menuparser:latest
Run with pdf debuging and not uploading to smartsheet after docker run --rm --env-file .env -e pdf_debug=debug -e smartsheetUp=False menuparser:latest
sheetID -- Requried This is the sheetID were it will grab the attachments, and upload the parsed data
ssToken -- Required This will be your smartsheet API token
server -- Defaults to Prod This is the host portion of the URL to send Smartsheet Requests to
countLimit activates a count in the row attachment processor to force a premeture completion after x menues
debug DEPRICATED see other debug options use for see the data at various steps. Current options are 'pdf, smartsheet, approve, requests' pdf: prints out the data as it is pulled and manaipulated, smartsheet: prints the data as it is retrieved, prepared, and submited for/to smartsheet, approve: itterates through each component of the menus so you can see if it is parsing right. requests: prints out the response from smartsheet for row inserts
smartsheet_debug pdf_debug parser_debug these three set the Logging level for different parts of the process Smartsheet changes logging level related to smartsheet communications pdf change logging level related to parsing and process of the pdf parser changes logging level for anything else
smartsheetDown Boolean used to set whether to pull data from smartsheet for processing if False it will download the sheet and process the row/attachemnt info, but will use the existing pdf document. Note: if Flase I recommend setting countLimit = True
smartsheetUP Boolean used to set whether or not to upload the data once processed back up to smartsheet
sslVerify Boolean used to set whether or not to verify SSL certs for Smartsheet
meal_type String of one of '||' This will allow processing of different meal types
better error handling when entering incorrect sheetID/Token/api enpoint get running in lamdba add webhook only proccess row that triggered webhook?? otherwise look for rows marked for processing?