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App::opan - A CPAN overlay for darkpan and pinning purposes


Set up an opan (creates a directory tree in pans/):

$ opan init
$ opan pin MSTROUT/M-1.tar.gz
$ opan add ./My-Dist-1.23.tar.gz

Now, you can start the server:

$ opan daemon -l http://localhost:8030/
Server available at http://localhost:8030/

Then in another terminal, run one of:

$ cpanm --mirror http://localhost:8030/combined/ --mirror-only --installdeps .
$ PERL_CARTON_MIRROR=http://localhost:8030/combined/ carton install

Or, to let opan do that part for you, skip starting the server and run one of:

$ opan cpanm --installdeps .
$ opan carton install


Two basic approaches to using this thing. First, if you're using carton, you can probably completely ignore the pinning system, so just do:

$ opan init
$ opan add ./My-DarkPan-Dist-1.23.tar.gz
$ git add pans/; git commit -m 'fresh opan'
$ opan carton install

You can reproduce this install with simply:

$ opan carton install --deployment

When you want to update to a new version of the cpan index (assuming you already have an additional requirement that's too old in your current snapshot):

$ opan pull
$ git add pans/; git commit -m 'update pans'
$ opan carton install

Second, if you're not using carton, but you want reproducible installs, you can still mostly ignore the pinning system by doing:

$ opan init
$ opan add ./My-DarkPan-Dist-1.23.tar.gz
$ opan cpanm --autopin --installdeps .
$ git add pans/; git commit -m 'opan with current version pinning'

Your reproducible install is now:

$ opan cpanm --installdeps .

When you want to update to a new version of the cpan index (assuming you already have an additional requirement that's too old in your current snapshot):

$ opan pull
$ opan cpanm --autopin --installdeps .
$ git add pans/; git commit -m 'update pans'

To update a single dist in this system, the easy route is:

$ opan unpin Thingy-1.23.tar.gz
$ opan cpanm Thingy
$ opan pin SOMEONE/Thing-1.25.tar.gz

This will probably make more sense if you read the "Commands" and "PANs" documentation following before trying to set things up.



opan init

Creates a pans/ directory with empty indexes for "custom" and "pinset" and a fresh index for "upstream" (i.e. runs "fetch" for you at the end of initialisation).


opan fetch

Fetches 02packages from into the "upstream" PAN.


opan add Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz

Imports a distribution file into the "custom" PAN under author MY. Any path parts provided before the filename will be stripped.

Support for other authors is pending somebody explaining why that would have a point. See "pin" for the command you probably wanted instead.


opan unadd Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz

Looks for a Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz path in the "custom" PAN index and removes the entries.

Does not remove the dist file, see "purge".


opan pin AUTHOR/Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz

Fetches the file from the "upstream" PAN and adds it to "pinset".


opan unpin Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz

Looks for a Dist-Name-1.23.tar.gz path in the "pinset" PAN index and removes the entries.

Does not remove the dist file, see "purge".


opan merge

Rebuilds the "combined" and "nopin" PANs' index files.


opan pull

Does a "fetch" and then a "merge". There's no equivalent for others, on the assumption what you'll do is roughly "pin", "add", "unpin", "unadd", ... repeat ..., "pull".


opan purgelist

Outputs a list of all non-indexed dists in "pinset" and "custom".


opan purge

Deletes all files that would have been listed by "purgelist".


opan daemon

Starts a single process server using Mojolicious::Command::daemon.


opan prefork

Starts a multi-process preforking server using Mojolicious::Command::prefork.


opan get /upstream/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz

Runs a request against the opan URL space using Mojolicious::Command::get.


opan cpanm --installdeps .

Starts a temporary server process and runs cpanm.

cpanm --mirror http://localhost:<port>/combined/ --mirror-only <your args here>

Can also be run with one of:

opan cpanm --nopin <your args here>
opan cpanm --autopin <your args here>
opan cpanm --combined <your args here>

to request a specific PAN.


opan carton install

Starts a temporary server process and runs carton.

PERL_CARTON_MIRROR=http://localhost:<port>/combined/ carton <your args here>

Can also be run with one of:

opan carton --nopin <your args here>
opan carton --autopin <your args here>
opan carton --combined <your args here>

to request a specific PAN.



02packages: Fetched from by the "fetch" command.

Dist files: Fetched from on-demand.


02packages: Managed by "pin" and "unpin" commands.

Dist files: Fetched from by "pin" command.


02packages: Managed by "add" and "unadd" commands.

Dist files: Imported from local disk by "add" command.


02packages: Merged from upstream, pinset and custom PANs by "merge" command.

Dist files: Fetched from custom, pinset and upstream in that order.


02packages: Merged from upstream and custom PANs by "merge" command.

Dist files: Fetched from custom, pinset and upstream in that order.


Virtual PAN with no presence on disk.

Identical to nopin, but fetching a dist from upstream does an implict "pin".

Since this can modify your opan config, it's only enabled if the environment variable OPAN_AUTOPIN is set to a true value (calling the "cpanm" or "carton" commands with --autopin sets this for you, because you already specified you wanted that).


To enable the /upload endpoint, set the ENV var OPAN_AUTH_TOKENS to a colon separated list of accepted tokens for uploads. This will allow a post with a 'file' upload argument, checking http basic auth password against the provided auth tokens.

recurring pull

Set ENV OPAN_RECURRING_PULL to a true value to make opan automatically pull from upstream every 600 seconds

custom upstream

Set the ENV var OPAN_MIRROR to specify a cpan mirror - the default is Remember that if you need to temporarily overlay your overlay but only for one user, there's nothing stopping you setting OPAN_MIRROR to another opan.


Matt S. Trout (mst) <[email protected]>


Aaron Crane (arc) <[email protected]>

Marcus Ramburg (marcus) <[email protected]>


Copyright (c) 2016-2018 the App::opan "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above.


This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.