My main purpose of the task to highlight the importance of separating concerns, modularization, reusability, maintainability, and scalability.
The starting point is the
SceneDelegate -> setupIntitalPage
where the main screen is composed with all its dependencies:- Character List Controller
- Search Controller
You can find 2 concrete types of CharacterListController : Remote and Dummy and they are self explanatory.
Although, the app only has one API, I created multiple schemes to handle different environment variables needed for later .( Testing, Production)
Since the app doesn't support multiple languages, I followed a namespace class to store all strings used in the UI
API, UI, Business Services
The diagram will explain more
- SnapKit to ease the createion of layout constraints
- KingFisher to load image view from URL
Composition Root Factory Delegation Observable MVC Dependency Injection
- Beautify the app
- Add localizable in the correct way
- Write more unit tests
- Wrapper class for the SnapKit
- Handle dark theme (currently the app is forced to light theme)