This is the official repository of my portfolio website.
- Responsive Menu Bar 📃
- Hero section 🦸
- About section with Image
- Project Cards
- Skills section 🧑💻
- Service Cards
- Contact section ☎️
- Social links 🔗
- Dark 🌙 and Light Mode 🪲
- Next Js
- React Js
- Tailwind CSS
- Hero Icons - for SVG icons
- Zod - for creating schemas
- React-Hook-Form - for doing form validation
- React Hot Toast - for showing toast messages
- Email Js - for sending emails
This template is free to use. You can customize this template and turn it into your own portfolio. Giving attribution to the author would be highly appreciated.
Make sure you have those dependencies:
"node": ">=16.0.0",
"yarn": ">=1.22.0",
"npm": "please-use-yarn"
Then run those commands:
git clone
cd protfolio-v2
yarn lint
cp .env.example .env.local # please change the credentials (create an account here:
yarn dev
Pull Requests are always welcome! Send a PR if you see a way to improve or fix something (Even a Typo). Please contribute using GitHub Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request. After your PR has been merged, you will be added to the contributors section.
This project is under MIT license
- Github: @shahiduljahid