This repo holds source code for ICRA 2021 Workshop paper : Towards End-to-End Deep Learning for Autonomous Racing : On Data Collection and a Unified Architecture for Steering and Throttle Prediction
STEPS for installing packages required for running this code
For users not using conda:
Need to install packages provided in general_environment.yml file and install pytorch using command given on official website (official website command includes torchvision and cudatookit)
STEP 1 (conda users): Use .yml to create new conda environment
conda env create -f general_environment.yml
yml file: general_environment.yml
If is giving socket error, then remove current version and install specific version of packages mentioned below. python-socketio=4.5.1, python-engineio=3.11.2, flask-socketio=4.3.1
STEP 2 (conda users): Activate the newly created environment
conda activate new_environment_name
STEP 3: Install pytorch from the official website using conda in this new environment
example: conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
This will install following packages: pytorch, torchvision, cudatoolkit
STEP 1: Get the training data from udacity simulator.
How to generate the training data using udacity simulator?:
Installing udacity simulator:
Use Term 1 simulator: Version 1 Windows64.
Term 1 Version 1 version is stable. Version 2 simulator files tend to oftern crash at startup.
[This code is verified with udacity simulator on windows]
Collect training data: Go in training mode, then click the record button to choose which folder you want to save your training data in. Two things will be saved, One is a Folder with name 'IMG' and second is a 'driving_log.csv' file. driving_log.csv file has the paths to training images and for each image it has corresponding steering angle, throttle value and speed associated with it. For more info on simulator see Udacity simulator
STEP 2: Run the training
Before running this command create 'trained_models' folder in the current directory, if the directory is not already present.
python --dataset_csv_path driving_log.csv
python --dataset_csv_path driving_log.csv --train_epochs 1000 --steering_model_epoch 800
How is training code running?
Model needs images and steering / throttle values to train, which are obtained from the .csv file.
First, steering training occurs. Net() is loaded from and trained for steering prediction. The model files are saved by name model_steering_E{epoch_number}. Model is saved every 'save_rate' epochs. Default value of save_rate is 50. So model is saved every 50 epochs. You can change it using --save_rate argument. Trained files are saved in 'trained_models' folder. Saved Steering models will look like this for example model_steering_E50, model_steering_E200 and etc.
Second, throttle training occurs. Before training of throttle starts, following things happen:
- Net() is loaded from
- All the weights of throttle model are initialized with trained steering model. The trained steering model is choosen based on the --steering_model_epoch argument. Default value is 400. So by default the code will look for 'model_steering_E400' in 'trained_models'. You can change this value using --steering_model_epoch argument.
- Convolutional layer weights are frozen using requrie_grad=False. Therefore, Convolutional layers weights are NOT trained during throttle training, they are the same weights as the trained steering model convolutional layer weights.
- Now during throttle training, only fully connected weights are trained.
The trained throttle models are saved by name model_throttle_SME{steering_model_epoch}_E{epoch_number}. SME{steering_model_epoch}, indicates that convolutional layer weights of model_steering_E{steering_model_epoch} was used for throttle training. So with above command which has steeirng_model_epoch as 1000, the saved trained files will look like this model_throttle_SME1000_E50, model_throttle_SME1000_E600 and etc.
Mandatory arguments to be given --dataset_csv_path:
This is the path to csv file. Udacity simulator generates driving_log.csv file, along with the IMG folder which has the training images.
Arguments for flexibility
--train_epochs : Default 500
--save_rate : Default 50. Model is saved every 50 epochs
--steering_model_epoch: Depends on save_rate. Important argument for throttle training
Steering Model saved on this {steering_model_epoch} epoch will be used to train the throttle model.
Throttle training uses trained convolutional layers from steering model.
These convolutional layers are frozen and not trained during throttle training.
Only the fully connected layers in the throttle model are trained during throttle training.
Visualize training on tensorboard
'runs' folder will be created in the current directory from previous step.
tensorboard --logdir=runs
This command will print the link to be used in browser for live plot visualization. Example link: http://localhost:6006/
python --steering_model_epoch 800 --throttle_model_epoch 700 uses DriveNet() from for steering and throttle prediction.
There are three parts to DriveNet model,
- Conv layers
- Fully connected layers for steering
- Fully connected layers for throttle
Conv layers are loaded from the steering model.
Fully connected layers for steering are loaded from steering model.
Fully connected layers for throttle are loaded from throttle model.
Steering model: model_steering_E{steering_model_epoch}
Throttle model: model_throttle_SME{steering_model_epoch}_E{throttle_model_epoch}
--steering_model_epoch: Depends on save_rate
--throttle_model_epoch: Depends on save_rate
Trained steering models which are closer in terms of epochs to the trained steering model which was used for throttle training, also works during testing/driving on track on the simulator. That is the reason for introducing '--look_for_lower' argument.
'look_for_lower' can be set to 'True' or 'False'. Default value is 'False'.
If set to 'True'. The code will automatically look for trained steering models which are trained and saved at lower epochs.
python --steering_model_epoch 800 --throttle_model_epoch 700 --look_for_lower True
So if model_steering_E{steering_model_epoch} is not available and 'look_for_lower' is true, the code will look for trained steering models by decrementing steering_model_epoch number and look for models like model_steering_E799, model_steering_E798 and so on until it finds the file or reaches 0.
Parts of the code are from Reference1 and Reference2.