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Simple Twitter Client

This is an simple twitter client with some basic and advanced functions

Time spent: 30 hours

Completed user stories:

  • User can sign in to Twitter using OAuth login

  • User can view the tweets from their home timeline * [x] User should be displayed the username, name, and body for each tweet * [x] User should be displayed the relative timestamp for each tweet "8m", "7h" * [x] User can view more tweets as they scroll with infinite pagination

  • User can compose a new tweet * [x] User can click a “Tweet” Button * [x] User can then enter a new tweet and post this to twitter * [x] User is taken back to home timeline with new tweet visible in timeline

  • User can switch between Timeline and Mention views using tabs.

  • User can view their home timeline tweets.

  • User can view the recent mentions of their username. (somehow not working on my emulator, works fine on phone)

  • User can scroll to bottom of either of these lists and new tweets will load ("infinite scroll")

  • Implement tabs in a gingerbread-compatible approach

  • User can navigate to view their own profile

  • User can see picture, # of followers, # of following, and tweets on their profile.

  • User can click on the profile image in any tweet to see another user's profile.

  • User can see picture, # of followers, # of following, and tweets of clicked user.

  • Profile view should include that user's timeline

  • Robust error handling, check if internet is available, handle error cases, network failures

  • When a network request is sent, user sees an indeterminate progress indicator

  • User can "reply" to any tweet on their home timeline

  • The user that wrote the original tweet is automatically "@" replied in compose

  • User can take favorite (and unfavorite) or reweet actions on a tweet

  • User can search for tweets matching a particular query and see results

Libraries Used:

Walkthrough of all user stories:

Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.


Twitter Client with basic functions






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