A repo for assignment 1 (CLASS: Software Engineering, SESSION: Spring '22).
It's a piece of code created to analyze a JSON file containing tweets (and related metadata) pulled from Twitter. The code can:
- Show tweets in a table format,
- Get ID's of users who made those tweets, and
- Allow search for a tweet using its ID.
To run this code, you will need to have NodeJS and ExpressJS installed on your machine. Then, run "node main.js" in your CLI to run the code.
- The code runs in the browser, at (localhost:3000).
- Whenever you make changes to "index.html", you don't need to run "node main.js" to see the effect of these changes in the browser.
- Whenever you make changes to "main.js", you DO need to run "node main.js" to see the effect of these changes in the browser.