This project implements a simple web application for upscaling images using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The application is built using Flask, a micro web framework for Python. The image upscaling is performed using a pre-trained CNN model.
Before running the application, ensure you have the following dependencies installed:
- Python (>= 3.9)
- Flask
- TensorFlow
- OpenCV (cv2)
- Pillow (PIL)
- Werkzeug
Install the required packages using the following command:
pip install requirements.txt
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd image-upscaling-cnn
- Run the Flask application:
- Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:5000/ to access the application.
Model Loading:
- The Flask application loads a pre-trained image upscaling model (
) using TensorFlow.
- The Flask application loads a pre-trained image upscaling model (
Image Processing:
- When an image is uploaded through the web interface, the application processes the image using the loaded model.
Image Upscaling:
- The model performs upscaling on the input image, converting it to a higher resolution.
Display Results:
- The original and processed images are displayed on the web interface.
- The main Flask application script.
- models/: Directory containing the pre-trained image upscaling model.
- static/: Directory for static files (CSS, JavaScript, etc.).
- templates/: HTML templates for rendering web pages.
- ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: Set of allowed file extensions for image uploads (
{'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'}
). - app.secret_key: Flask secret key for session management. Replace with a secure secret key.