This page is intended to provide teams with all the information they need to submit scenarios.
All scenarios should be submitted directly to the data-processed/ folder. Data in this directory should be added to the repository through a pull request.
Automatic validation is running starting round 13.
Due to file size limitation, the file can be submitted in a .zip
or .gz
format with the same name as the .csv
file provided.
See this file for an illustration of part of a (hypothetical) submission file.
Each subdirectory within the data-processed/ directory has the format
is the teamname andmodel
is the name of your model.
Both team and model should be less than 15 characters, and not include hyphens nor spaces.
Within each subdirectory, there should be a metadata file, a license file (optional), and a set of scenarios.
The metadata file name should have the following format
is the teamname andmodel
is the name of your model.
Here are details about the structure of the metadata file. An example hypothetical metadata file has been posted in the data-processed directory.
License information for data sharing and reuse is requested in the metadata, including a link to the license text. If you cannot link to the text of a standard license and have specific license text, include a license file named
Each model results file within the subdirectory should have the following name
is the 4 digit year,MM
is the 2 digit month,DD
is the 2 digit day,team
is the teamname, andmodel
is the name of your model.type
is only for the optional submission format for simulation samples (“YYYY-MM-DD-team-model-sample.csv”
). Other submission file formats (quantiles) should be named“YYYY-MM-DD-team-model.csv”
The date YYYY-MM-DD is the model_projection_date
The team
and model
in this file must match the team
and model
in the
directory this file is in.
Both team
and model
should be less than 15 characters,
alpha-numeric and underscores only, with no spaces or hyphens.
The file must be a comma-separated value (csv) file with the following columns (in any order):
[not required for “sample” file format]quantile
[not required for “sample” file format]sample
[required for “sample” file format]value
No additional columns are allowed.
Each row in the file is either a point or quantile scenario for a location on a particular date for a particular target.
For the "sample" format, only the "incident" targets are required and no quantiles and types information should be included in the file.
If the size of the file is larger than 100MB, it can be submitted in a .zip
or .gz
Values in the model_projection_date
column must be a date in the format
Model projections will have an associated model_projection_date
that corresponds to the day the projection was made. Starting round 12, the validation will test that the "model_projection_date" and date in the filename match and should correspond to the start date for scenarios (first date of simulated transmission/outcomes).
For week-ahead model projections with model_projection_date
of Sunday or Monday of EW12, a 1 week ahead projection corresponds to EW12 and should have target_end_date
of the Saturday of EW12. For week-ahead projections with model_projection_date
of Tuesday through Saturday of EW12, a 1 week ahead projection corresponds to EW13 and should have target_end_date
of the Saturday of EW13. A week-ahead projection should represent the total number of incident deaths or hospitalizations within a given epiweek (from Sunday through Saturday, inclusive) or the cumulative number of deaths reported on the Saturday of a given epiweek. Model projection dates in the COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hub are equivelent to the forecast dates in the COVID-19 Forecast Hub.
The standard scenario names should be used as given in the scenario description in the main Readme. Scenario names only include characters and no spaces, e.g., optimistic
The standard scenario id should be used as given in in the scenario description in the main Readme. Scenario id's include a captitalized letter and date as YYYY-MM-DD on which the scenario was last modified by the project coordinators, e.g., A-2020-12-22
We are requesting model projections for a minimum of 13 and maximum of 26 weeks into the future.
The requested targets are:
- weekly incident deaths
- cumulative deaths
- weekly incident cases
- cumulative incident cases
- weekly incident hospitalizations
- cumulative incident hospitalizations
Optional target:
- weekly incident infections
- weekly proportion of cases caused by variant X (mean only) [Round 14 and Round 15 specific]
Values in the target
column must be a character (string) and be one of the
following specific targets:
- "N wk ahead inc death" where N is a number between 1 and 26 (or 12 or 40 or 52, depending on the round)
- "N wk ahead cum death" where N is a number between 1 and 26 (or 12 or 40 or 52, depending on the round)
- "N wk ahead inc case" where N is a number between 1 and 26 (or 12 or 40 or 52, depending on the round)
- "N wk ahead cum case" where N is a number between 1 and 26 (or 12 or 40 or 52, depending on the round)
- "N wk ahead inc hosp" where N is a number between 1 and 26 (or 12 or 40 or 52, depending on the round)
- "N wk ahead cum hosp" where N is a number between 1 and 26 (or 12 or 40 or 52, depending on the round)
- "N wk ahead inc inf" where N is a number between 1 and 26 (or 12 or 40 or 52, depending on the round)
- "N wk ahead prop X" where N is a number between 1 and 26 (or 12 or 40 or 52, depending on the round) [Round 14 and Round 15 specific]
For week-ahead scenarios, we will use the specification of epidemiological weeks (EWs) defined by the US CDC which run Sunday through Saturday.
There are standard software packages to convert from dates to epidemic weeks and vice versa. E.g. MMWRweek for R and pymmwr and epiweeks for python.
For week-ahead scenarios with model_projection_date
of Sunday or Monday of EW12,
a 1 week ahead scenario corresponds to EW12 and should have target_end_date
the Saturday of EW12. For week-ahead scenarios with model_projection_date
of Tuesday
through Saturday of EW12, a 1 week ahead scenario corresponds to EW13 and should
have target_end_date
of the Saturday of EW13.
This target is the incident (weekly) number of deaths predicted by the model
during the week that is N weeks after model_projection_date
A week-ahead scenario should represent the total number of new deaths reported during a given epiweek (from Sunday through Saturday, inclusive).
Predictions for this target will be evaluated compared to the number of new reported cases, as recorded by the JHU CSSE group as distributed by the COVIDcast Epidata API.
This target is the cumulative number of deaths predicted by the model up to
and including N weeks after model_projection_date
A week-ahead scenario should represent the cumulative number of deaths reported on the Saturday of a given epiweek.
Predictions for this target will be evaluated compared to the cumulative of the number of new reported deaths, as recorded by the JHU CSSE group as distributed by the COVIDcast Epidata API.
This target is the incident (weekly) number of cases predicted by the model
during the week that is N weeks after model_projection_date
A week-ahead scenario should represent the total number of new cases reported during a given epiweek (from Sunday through Saturday, inclusive).
Predictions for this target will be evaluated compared to the number of new reported cases, as recorded by the JHU CSSE group as distributed by the COVIDcast Epidata API.
This target is the cumulative number of incident cases predicted by the model
up to and including N weeks after model_projection_date
A week-ahead scenario should represent the cumulative number of cases reported on the Saturday of a given epiweek.
Predictions for this target will be evaluated compared to the cumulative of the number of new reported cases, as recorded by the JHU CSSE group as distributed by the COVIDcast Epidata API.
This target is the incident (weekly) number of hospitalized cases predicted by the model
during the week that is N weeks after model_projection_date
A week-ahead scenario should represent the total number of new hospitalized cases reported during a given epiweek (from Sunday through Saturday, inclusive).
Predictions for this target will be evaluated compared to the number of new hospitalized cases, as reported by the HHS and distributed by the COVIDcast Epidata API.
This target is the cumulative number of incident (weekly) number of hospitalized cases predicted by the model
during the week that is N weeks after model_projection_date
A week-ahead scenario should represent the cumulative number of hospitalized cases reported on the Saturday of a given epiweek.
Predictions for this target will be evaluated compared to the cumulative of the number of new hospitalized cases, as reported by the HHS and distributed by the COVIDcast Epidata API.
This target is the number of incident (weekly) infections predicted by the model during the week
that is N weeks after model_projection_date
A week-ahead scenario should represent the total number of new infections occurring within a given epiweek (from Sunday through Saturday, inclusive).
Projections of infections will be used to compare outputs between models but will not
be evaluated against observations.
Projections of infections are optional.
This target is the proportion of incident (weekly) cases caused by variant X among
all COVID19 cases, as predicted by the model during the week that is N weeks after
A week-ahead scenario should represent the proportion of variant X cases occurring within a given epiweek (from Sunday through Saturday, inclusive).
Projections of variant X proportion will be used to compare outputs between models
but will not be evaluated against observations.
Further, we do not expect a full distribution of quantiles, only mean estimates.
Projections of proportion of variant X are optional
Values in the target_end_date
column must be a date in the format
This is the date for the scenario target
For "# day" targets, target_end_date
will be # days after forecast_date
For "# wk" targets, target_end_date
will be the Saturday at the end of the
week time period.
Values in the location
column must be one of the "locations" in this
FIPS numeric code file which includes
numeric FIPS codes for U.S. states, counties, territories, and districts as
well as "US" for national scenarios.
Please note that when writing FIPS codes, they should be written in as a character string to preserve any leading zeroes.
Values in the type
column are either
- "point" or
- "quantile".
This value indicates whether that row corresponds to a point scenario or a quantile scenario. Point scenarios are used in visualization while quantile scenarios are used in visualization and in ensemble construction.
Scenarios must include exactly 1 "point" scenario for every location-target pair.
Values in the quantile
column are either "NA" (if type
is "point") or
a quantile in the format
For quantile scenarios, this value indicates the quantile for the value
in this row.
Teams should provide the following 23 quantiles:
c(0.01, 0.025, seq(0.05, 0.95, by = 0.05), 0.975, 0.99)
## [1] 0.010 0.025 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500 0.550 0.600 0.650 0.700 0.750
## [18] 0.800 0.850 0.900 0.950 0.975 0.990
For the optional simulation samples format only.
Values in the sample
column are numeric between 1
and 100
indicating an id sample number.
Values in the value
column are non-negative numbers indicating the "point" or
"quantile" prediction for this row.
For a "point" prediction, value
is simply the value of that point prediction
for the target
and location
associated with that row.
For a "quantile" prediction, value
is the inverse of the cumulative
distribution function (CDF)
for the target
, location
, and quantile
associated with that row.
To ensure proper data formatting, pull requests for new data in data-processed/ will be automatically run.
For the first round of submissions, the autmoated pull requests may not work yet.
When a pull request is submitted, the data are validated by running the tests in validation.R. The intent for these tests are to validate the requirements above and specifically enumerated on the wiki. Please let us know if the wiki is inaccurate.
To run these checks locally rather than waiting for the results from a pull request, follow these instructions (section File Checks Run).