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1. Installation (from source)

Nairdaa edited this page Feb 6, 2019 · 14 revisions

The installation of bhoptimer is very simple.
First of all, your server needs to match the requirements.

Note: This page only applies to building from source. You can use the existing binaries by downloading them from the releases page.

Server requirements:

  1. Metamod: Source and SourceMod 1.10, or above installed.
  2. Counter-Strike: Source, Team Fortress 2 or Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. (I can only support the Steam versions of the game, so please, use them and refrain from reporting issues with the Steam-less versions.)
  3. DHooks installed, allows custom running speeds for all weapons. This is optional, but recommended. TF2 does not require this.
  4. Bunnyhop Statistics installed, is useless if the server doesn't utilize scroll styles. This is required for TF2 servers, without it, you won't be able to bunnyhop.

Installation: The following steps are written for Windows computers. The Linux/MacOS steps are very similar.

  1. Download, and extract it into any folder.
  2. Download the latest 1.10 SourceMod release for your operating system, and extract the following folders/files from the "scripting" directory found in SourceMod: include/, spcomp.exe, and compile.exe into the scripting/ directory found in bhoptimer's files.
  3. Drag-and-drop all files which are located in bhoptimer's scripting/ directory and start with shavit- to compile.exe.
  4. Copy the files from compiled/ into addons/sourcemod/plugins/ in the game server's directory.
  5. Copy maps/, materials/, and sound/ into the server's directory (cstrike, csgo, or tf usually).
  6. Copy gamedata/, translations/, and configs/ into the server's SourceMod directory - that's addons/sourcemod/.
  7. Restart the game server, bhoptimer is now ready to use. In some rare cases, the initial database installation may require an additional server restart.