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2.7. Configuration: Zones

rtldg edited this page May 22, 2022 · 5 revisions

Path to configuration file: addons/sourcemod/configs/shavit-zones.cfg

bhoptimer allows you to change the zones' beam sprites and some other settings.


Here's the default file:

// Absolutely DON'T delete subkeys from this file.
// 'visible' defaults to 1, 'flat' defaults to 0.
// Other values default to 255, except for width which is 0.5.
		"beam"			"shavit/zone_beam.vmt"
		"beam_ignorez"  "shavit/zone_beam_ignorez.vmt" // for seeing the zones through walls when creating them
		"downloads"		"materials/shavit/zone_beam.vtf; materials/shavit/zone_beam.vmt; materials/shavit/zone_beam_ignorez.vmt"

			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"67"
			"green"		"210"
			"blue"		"230"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.5"

			"flat"		"0"

			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"165"
			"green"		"19"
			"blue"		"194"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.5"

			"visible"	"0"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"200"
			"blue"		"0"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.5"

			"visible"	"0"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"200"
			"blue"		"0"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.5"

			"visible"	"0"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"200"
			"blue"		"0"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.5"

			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"25"
			"green"		"25"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"195"
			"width"		"0.5"

		"Custom Speed Limit"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"247"
			"green"		"3"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"50"
			"width"		"0.5"

			"visible"	"0"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"200"
			"blue"		"0"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"4.0"

			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"57"
			"green"		"196"
			"blue"		"92"

			"alpha"		"175"
			"width"		"2.5"

			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"244"
			"green"		"66"
			"blue"		"92"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"1.5"

			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"118"
			"green"		"102"
			"blue"		"173"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"1.5"

			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"153"
			"blue"		"0"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.5"

		"No Timer Gravity"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"0"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"1.0"

			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"0"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"1.0"

			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"0"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"1.0"

		"Bonus 1 Start"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"255"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.1"

		"Bonus 1 End"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"123"
			"green"		"20"
			"blue"		"250"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.1"

		"Bonus 1 Glitch_Respawn"
			"visible"	"0"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"200"
			"blue"		"0"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.1"

		"Bonus 1 Glitch_Stop"
			"visible"	"0"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"200"
			"blue"		"0"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.1"

		"Bonus 1 Glitch_Slay"
			"visible"	"0"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"200"
			"blue"		"0"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.1"

		"Bonus 1 Freestyle"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"25"
			"green"		"25"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"195"
			"width"		"0.1"

		"Bonus 1 Custom Speed Limit"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"247"
			"green"		"3"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"50"
			"width"		"0.1"

		"Bonus 1 Teleport"
			"visible"	"0"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"200"
			"blue"		"0"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"2.0"

		"Bonus 1 Easybhop"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"57"
			"green"		"196"
			"blue"		"92"

			"alpha"		"175"
			"width"		"1.75"

		"Bonus 1 Slide"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"244"
			"green"		"66"
			"blue"		"92"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"1.0"

		"Bonus 1 Airaccelerate"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"118"
			"green"		"102"
			"blue"		"173"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"1.0"

		"Bonus 1 Stage"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"204"
			"green"		"153"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"0.5"

		"Bonus 1 No Timer Gravity"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"0"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"1.0"

		"Bonus 1 Gravity"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"0"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"1.0"

		"Bonus 1 Speedmod"
			"visible"	"1"

			"red"		"255"
			"green"		"0"
			"blue"		"255"

			"alpha"		"255"
			"width"		"1.0"

Some explanation:

  • The Sprites key defines the custom sprite that will be used for the zones. The sprite is the default CS:GO beam sprite without the halo sprite (as of August 2017) which looks great in CS:S too.
  • The Colors key has subkeys that define zone colors per zone type. Available settings are visible (0/1), red/green/blue/alpha (colors) and width.

Note: Have the materials bz2'd on your fast-downloads server, if you have one.

Path to configuration file: cfg/sourcemod/plugin.shavit-zones.cfg

You can also modify other settings, such as the following highlights:

  • shavit_zones_flat - set this to 1 if you want zones to be drawn as a flat, 2D box.
  • shavit_zones_interval- the interval between each zone draw. For slow gamemodes (_strafe/scroll/400 velocity etc increase the value to save bandwidth and CPU cycles. The default value is 1.5 (seconds).
  • shavit_zones_offset - an offset of "by how many units to scale the VISUAL zone box inwards the center". The setting also accepts negative numbers. The default is 0.5.
  • shavit_zones_usecustomsprite - set this to 0 if you want to use the game's default beams. They will usually look uglier.