JU Social & e-Learning Platform is an integrated web-based application designed to streamline the day-to-day activities of university students and teachers at Jahangirnagar University. This platform centralizes various functionalities such as communication, course management, examination management, and social networking into a single system, thereby reducing the need to access multiple distinct applications or websites.
- Data Storage: All data and records are stored in a MySQL database.
- Registration Panel: Separate registration panels for teachers and students.
- Emergency Notifications: Students can send emergency messages to teachers, who will be notified via text message.
- User Authentication: Student, teacher, and admin login capabilities.
- Search Functionality: Search for students or teachers using various filters in both classroom and social media sections.
- Profile Management: Edit personal profiles, including profile photo, cover photo, and personal details.
- Social Networking: Send and manage friend requests, create and join groups, post content, and interact with others through likes and comments.
- Messaging: Individual and group chat functionality.
- Course Management: Create and manage courses, upload and access study materials, and track course progress.
- Exam and Assignment Management: Manage exams and assignments, including grading.
- Admin Panel: Admin functionalities include approving registration requests, verifying payments, and updating notices.
- User Dashboard: A comprehensive dashboard for users to view and update their data, and search for teachers and students.
- Implement and apply knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, MySQL, and DBMS learned during the semester.
- Develop a practical, real-life web application to assist university students and teachers.
- Provide a multi-functional communication and study platform that integrates various needs into a single system.
- JavaScript
- JQuery
The project utilizes a MySQL database with the following schema:
- Admin:
admin(admin_id, password)
- Books:
books(book, m_id)
- Course:
course(c_id, credit, cname, semester, cstatus, u_id)
- Dept:
dept(dept_id, dept_name, faculty_name)
- Enroll:
enroll(u_id, c_id)
- Exam:
exam(etime, edate, file, grade, e_id, e_details, e_title, c_id)
- GroupPost:
grouppost(gpid, pdate, ptime, pdetails, likecount, commentcnt, memberid, gid)
- GroupPost_Comments:
grouppost_comments(comid, comtime, comdate, comdetails, gpid, memberid)
- GroupPost_Likes:
grouppost_likes(lid, ltime, ldate, gpid, memberid)
- GroupPost_Photos:
grouppost_photos(photosid, location, gpid)
- GroupPost_Videos:
grouppost_videos(videosid, location, gpid)
- GroupRequests:
grouprequests(rqfrom, rqto)
- Groups:
groups(gid, gname, about, dp)
- Group_Member:
group_member(memberid, mute, gid)
- Group_Message:
group_message(gid, msg_id, msg_from, msg, sendtime)
- Grp_Members:
grp_members(gid, u_id)
- Messages:
messages(msg_id, msg_to, msg_from, msg, msg_time)
- Notices:
notices(notice_id, headline, description, date, noticefile, admin_id)
- Notifications:
notifications(no_id, type, sender, senderentity, ndate, ntime, isseen, u_id)
- Payment:
payment(t_id, amount, pdate, semester, pstatus, u_id, admin_id)
- Posts:
posts(p_id, post, date, c_id)
- Records:
records(video, m_id)
- Request:
request(rqfrom, rqto)
- Seen:
seen(u_id, seen)
- Slides:
slides(slide, m_id)
- Student:
student(u_id, skills, hall, cg, semester, batch, dept_id)
- Study_Material:
study_material(m_id, u_id, c_id)
- Takes_Part:
takes_part(u_id, e_id, sgrade, ftime, fdate, date, file)
- Teacher:
teacher(u_id, rinterest, designation, dept_id)
- Temp:
temp(t_id, karconvo, u_id_to, seen)
- User:
user(u_id, email, fname, lname, password, district, house_no, thana, phone, bg, status, id_type, gender, dob, dp, id_image, ustat, token, admin_id)
- UserPost:
userpost(p_id, pdate, ptime, pdetails, likecount, commentcnt, u_id)
- UserPost_Comments:
userpost_comments(comid, comtime, comdate, comdetails, p_id, u_id)
- UserPost_Likes:
userpost_likes(lid, ltime, ldate, pid, u_id)
- UserPost_Photos:
userpost_photos(photosid, location, pid)
- UserPost_Videos:
userpost_videos(videosid, location, pid)
- User_Friends:
user_friends(friendfrom, friendto)
- User_Groups:
user_groups(gname, cover, gid, about, member, u_id)
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/shawon-iitju-48/JU-Social-Platform.git cd JU-Social-Platform
Install the necessary dependencies (if any).
Configure the database:
- Import the provided SQL file into your MySQL database to create the necessary tables.
- Update the database configuration in the project files to match your MySQL setup.
Start the server:
php -S localhost:8000
Open your browser and navigate to
to access the platform.
For any inquiries or feedback, please contact us at:
- Email: [email protected]