An upgrade is planned for the Shentu mainnet at height 14875800
, which is estimated to be reached around Sep 06, 2023 13:30-14:30 UTC. This release should be applied after reaching the upgrade height.
The upgrade operation should be a binary replacement at the upgrade height, Please refer to https://github.com/shentufoundation/mainnet/tree/main/shentu-2.2/upgrades#v272-upgrade for upgrade instructions.
Bug Fixes
- (x/gov) #761 fix the bug of votes are removed early for general proposals
Binary checksum
sha256sum shentud_2.7.2_*
ff249d58394f329d8025915532fb9d12300de784fd9b4eb96529a00af2f9ed2f shentud_2.7.2_linux_amd64
46cc49c82264239688a5990c7ba6d57754bd57e5c38bb06f73654390bf078eb4 shentud_2.7.2_arm64_macos
694a6c971882e471d0b4529b5edc1927bd7c023e553c2a816dfa82e417b782e2 shentud_2.7.2_win_x86_64.exe