This is commandLine tool to show catalog tree
Input command below in terminal
npm install -g see-dirtree
This command will show files all
Usage: tree [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-d, --directory [dir] Please specify a directory to generate catalog tree
-c, --color Terminal coloring
-i, --ignore [ignore] You can ignore specific directory name
-e, --export [exportPath] export into a file
-h, --help output usage information
- You can export data to a file.Input command below,you can see data.txt in your current path.
tree -e data.txt
- You can see catalog tree with color(random color,Because the color is bright color, it is recommended that the terminal's theme be dark )
tree -c
- You can specify a directory to generate catalog tree
tree -d "src"
- You can ignore specific directory name
tree -i "node_modules|.git"