Atomic Swaps are currently implemented on PiNodeXMR through a CLI menu, documented here - PiNodeXMR Wiki.
The hope is to develop this UI to replace the above CLI menu. Additionally, by creating this as a lightweight solution using common components it can be used by many more projects (MoneroNodo, etc) Through better functionality and aethetics I hope more users/XMR ofers will become available.
Displays available offers for Eth -> XMR swap using lightweight HTML, JS and CSS.
Add "Take Offer" button trigger swap from this UI. This will require adding server-side functions. Discussion required.
Data created from - script can be triggered via crontab (example every 60 seconds)
Output goes to /var/www/html/api/atomicSwap/queryAll.json
jq used to format JSON ready for use by js script in HTML/atomicSwapInterface.html (js will be moved to external .js file on production - currently keeps file count low)
These offers can currently be taken on PiNodeXMR from our terminal menu. Here shown as loads a menu:
"1)" "Exit to Command line" \
"2)" "System Settings" \
"3)" "Update Tools" \
"4)" "Node Tools" \
"5)" "Atomic Swap" \
"6)" "Extra Network Tools" 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
Lines 491 - 614 show current atomic swap functions to be implemented into this UI to 614