An experiment to cofigure jtable from a html table.
Jtable extension jquery.jtable.attributableconfig.js
<table id="OrdersJTable" data-jt-title="Orders List" data-jt-list-action="Home/Orders">
<th data-jt-list="false">OrderId</th>
<th data-jt-width="40%" data-jt-column="ShipName">Firm</th>
<th data-jt-width="20%">Ship Country</th>
<th data-jt-type="date">Order Date</th>
<th data-jt-type="checkbox">Shipped</th>
<table id="OrdersJTable2" data-jt-title="Orders List 2" data-jt-list-action="Home/Orders">
<th data-jt-key="true" data-jt-list="false" data-jt-column="OrderId">OrderId</th>
<th data-jt-width="40%" data-jt-column="ShipName">Ship Name</th>
<th data-jt-width="20%" data-jt-column="ShipCountry">Ship Country</th>
<th data-jt-type="date" data-jt-column="OrderDate">Order Date</th>
<th data-jt-type="checkbox" data-jt-true="True" data-jt-false="False">Shipped</th>
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Orders()
return Json(new {Result = "OK", Records = GetOrders().Take(10)});
"Result": "OK",
"Records": [
{ "OrderId": 10, "ShipName": "Ship 10", "ShipCountry": "Pakistan", "OrderDate": "\/Date(1475067648987)\/", "Shipped": true },
{ "OrderId": 11, "ShipName": "Ship 11", "ShipCountry": "Pakistan", "OrderDate": "\/Date(1475154048987)\/", "Shipped": false },
{ "OrderId": 12, "ShipName": "Ship 12", "ShipCountry": "Pakistan", "OrderDate": "\/Date(1475240448987)\/", "Shipped": true },
{ "OrderId": 13, "ShipName": "Ship 13", "ShipCountry": "Pakistan", "OrderDate": "\/Date(1475326848987)\/", "Shipped": false },
{ "OrderId": 14, "ShipName": "Ship 14", "ShipCountry": "Pakistan", "OrderDate": "\/Date(1475413248987)\/", "Shipped": true },
{ "OrderId": 15, "ShipName": "Ship 15", "ShipCountry": "Pakistan", "OrderDate": "\/Date(1475499648987)\/", "Shipped": true },
{ "OrderId": 16, "ShipName": "Ship 16", "ShipCountry": "Pakistan", "OrderDate": "\/Date(1475586048987)\/", "Shipped": false },
{ "OrderId": 17, "ShipName": "Ship 17", "ShipCountry": "Pakistan", "OrderDate": "\/Date(1475672448987)\/", "Shipped": true },
{ "OrderId": 18, "ShipName": "Ship 18", "ShipCountry": "Pakistan", "OrderDate": "\/Date(1475758848987)\/", "Shipped": false },
{ "OrderId": 19, "ShipName": "Ship 19", "ShipCountry": "Pakistan", "OrderDate": "\/Date(1475845248987)\/", "Shipped": true }]
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.9.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jtable/jquery.jtable.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jtable/extensions/jquery.jtable.buildFromAttributes-0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
<table id="OrdersJTable3" data-jt-title="Order with paging" data-jt-paging="true" data-jt-list-action="Home/OrdersWithPaging">
<th>Ship Name</th>
<th>Ship Country</th>
<th data-jt-type="date">Order Date</th>
<th data-jt-type="checkbox" data-jt-true="Shipped" data-jt-false="Not Shipped">Shipped</th>
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult OrdersWithPaging(int jtStartIndex, int jtPageSize)
var order = GetOrders();
//var startIndex = jtStartIndex+jtPageSize;
return Json(
new { Result = "OK"
, Records = GetOrders().Skip(jtStartIndex).Take(jtPageSize)
, TotalRecordCount = order.Count });
<table id="OrderJtableWithOtherOptions" data-jt-title="Orders List 2" data-jt-list-action="Home/Orders">
<th data-jt-list="false">OrderId</th>
<th data-jt-column="ShipName">Ship Name</th>
<th>Ship Country</th>
<th data-jt-type="date">Order Date</th>
<th data-jt-type="checkbox" data-jt-true="Done" data-jt-false="In progress">Shipped</th>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.9.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jtable/jquery.jtable.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jtable/extensions/jquery.jtable.buildFromAttributes-0.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
fields: {
ShipName: {
display: function (data) {
return '<a href="/firmsDetail?firmName=' + data.record.OrderId + '">' + data.record.ShipName + '</a>';
rowInserted: function(event, data){
if (data.record.Shipped) {
data.row.css('color', 'green');
All jtable and jtable fields options are supported except functions / delegates / events.
Jtable options must have the data-jt-
prefix in html.
Jtable Options | jt-attributes | Remarks |
actions.listAction | list-action | |
actions.createAction | create-action | |
actions.updateAction | update-action | |
actions.deleteAction | delete-action | |
animationsEnabled | animations-enabled | |
columnResizable | column-resizable | |
columnSelectable | column-selectable | |
defaultDateFormat | default-date-format | |
defaultSorting | default-sorting | |
dialogShowEffect | dialog-show-effect | |
dialogShowEffect | dialog-show-effect | |
dialogHideEffect | animations-enabled | |
gotoPageArea | goto-page-area | |
jqueryuiTheme | jquery-ui-theme | |
loadingAnimationDelay | loading-animation-delay | |
multiselect | multi-select | |
multiSorting | multi-sorting | |
paging | paging | |
pageList | page-list | |
pageSize | page-size | |
pageSizes | page-sizes | example = <table id='mytable" page-size="20,40,60,80"> ... </table> |
pageSizeChangeArea | page-size-change-area | |
saveUserPreferences | save-user-preferences | |
selecting | selecting | |
selectingCheckboxes | selecting-checkboxes | |
selectOnRowClick | select-on-row-click | |
sorting | sorting | |
tableId | table-id | |
title | title | |
unAuthorizedRequestRedirectUrl | un-authorized-request-redirect-url | . |
Jtable Fields Options | jt-attributes | Remarks |
Field name | column | |
columnResizable | column-resizable | |
create | create | |
edit | edit | |
defaultValue | default-value | |
inputClass | input-class | |
inputTitle | input-title | |
key | key | If the key attribute is not used then first field will automatically become the key field |
list | list | |
listClass | list-class | |
options | options | Only Url is supported with jt-attributes |
optionsSorting | options-sorting | |
sorting | sorting | |
title | title | |
visibility | visibility | |
width | width | |
type | type | if the type is checkbox then use jt-true and jt-false attributes the configure the values options |