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CSV Processing

Project consists of two parts. CSV processing module and APIs to upload csv file and download output file.

Tech Stack

  • Python (3.10)
  • Dask (2024.3.1)
  • Flask (3.0.2)
  • Celery (5.3.6)
  • RabbitMQ

Tested on MacOS.


First check if you have python installed by running command python --version. Most probably you have it already. Otherwise, install corresponding version according to instructions of your OS. For more details follow the link

Next setup python environment:

  • create virtual environment using python -m venv <path_to_env> or use instruction here
  • activate virtual environment: source <path_to_venv>/bin/activate
  • clone code or download zip anywhere in your local machine
  • go to bmat_music project and install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

Here Celery uses RabbitMQ as a messsage broker, install it. To install RabbitMQ on macOS, you can use Homebrew. Here are the steps to install RabbitMQ using Homebrew:

  1. If you haven't installed Homebrew, install it

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Check if Homebrew is in your path running echo $PATH.

    If it's not there, add it by export PATH="<path_to_homebrew>:$PATH"

  3. Install RabbitMQ: brew install rabbitmq

  4. Start RabbitMQ: brew services start rabbitmq

You can check that RabbitMQ is running by using the following command rabbitmqctl status

More details about RabbitMQ installation on different operating systems could be found in official documentation

To use RabbitMQ with celery later in the application, you can create new user or use default guest user. For more details check documentation

PLEASE NOTE: If you create a new user, update RABBITMQ_USER and RABBITMQ_PASS in config file.

Before running application you need to create folders for uploaded, downloaded and log files.

Go to bmat_music directory and create 3 new folders: uploads, downloads and logs.

When everything is done with setup, go to api folder and run the following command:

flask run

From bmat_music directory run celery worker

celery -A celery_tasks.tasks worker --loglevel=info --logfile='logs/csv_processing.log' 

If you want to run it in background add --detach option. Also, you can skip --logfile option or provide other path to log.


Now when both celery and flask servers are running, you can use any API client to send requests. One of the most popular applications is Postman.

API Endpoints: How they work

There are 2 API endpoints in the application

1: Schedule file to processing


  • POST


  • /upload

Request Parameters

  • file: The CSV file to be processed (multipart/form-data)

Example Request

POST /upload
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

[file: example.csv]


  • HTTP Status: 200 OK
  • Body: JSON object containing the ID of the processing task.
      "task_id": "076c2c00-a7ee-4d2e-a08f-7ddab652bad8"

This one is used to upload csv file and process it creating new output file. It requires file in request. Attach file in postman request body. As soon as request sent, it will create task_id for celery, copy uploaded file with the name <task_id>_input.csv in uploads/ folder and run celery task. Celery will do necessary processing and create output file in download folder with name <task_id>_output.csv.

2: Download the result


  • GET


  • /download

Request Parameters

  • task_id: The ID of the processing task.

Example Request

GET /download/076c2c00-a7ee-4d2e-a08f-7ddab652bad8


  • HTTP Status: 200 OK
  • Body: The resulting CSV file.
Song,Date, Total Number of Plays for Date
In The End,2020-01-01,1500
In The End,2020-01-02,500

This API will download file <task_id>_output.csv from downloads folder with a new name output.csv.

CSV Processing Module

For processing large csv files csv_processing module is created. class LargeCSVProcessor will do necessary job.

The LargeCSVProcessor class is designed to read large CSV files, process the data, and write the processed data into a new file.

As both input and output files can be larger than available memory, python library dask is used.

Dask is a flexible parallel computing library for Python that enables efficient handling of large datasets that don't fit into memory by breaking them into smaller chunks and performing computations on those chunks in parallel. Dask DataFrames, used in this class, are similar to Pandas DataFrames but can handle datasets that are too large to fit into memory by operating on smaller partitions of the data in parallel.

For more information about dask library check official documentation

Complexity of data processing solution

Dask Dataframes will use chunks to read data from csv file, which are distributed across memory. It will read and process data in parallel. Complexity of reading and processing data will depend on chunk size and number of chunks needed to read whole file. It is linear to the number of records in the dataset. It means, the solution has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the total number of records in the file.

What to Add

  1. Tests
  2. Simple UI for upload and download files

Some Notes

Flask is used in this project, which is a lightweight and flexible web framework for Python. I have never used this framework before, my main stack was with Django framework.

Here are some points why I chose Flask over Django for this project:

  • Learn new framework, as before I worked only with django
  • Django is a powerfull framework, it is full, complete and full-stack, with wide range of built-in features and everything, but in this project I don't need it
  • Flask is microframework, with only the essential tools to start web development, allowing to add additional functionality later
  • Flask is small and lightweight which makes it perfect choice for simple applications and APIs
  • Last but not least: I had a chance to learn something new and use it meantime.


Author: Shushanik Hovhannesyan

Email: [email protected]


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