This project provides a guide on running tests and obtaining code coverage data specifically for embedded systems.
You need to download an ARM cross toolchain using the following command:
$ wget -O gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2
Then, you need to create a Docker image using the following command:
$ docker build . -t baremetal-dev
Once the Docker image is created, you can run a new Docker container with the current directory mounted to the /test/ directory inside the container using the following command:
$ docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/test -u `id -u`:`id -g` baremetal-dev
You can build and run the baremetal application on QEMU inside the container using the following command:
$ cd /test
$ cmake .
$ make run
Then, you will see the following output on screen:
Hello world!
After running the program, you need to copy the lines starting from 'Emitting' and ending with 'Gcov End' on the screen to create a file Then, convert the file to gcda files by the following command:
$ cd external/embedded-gcov/scripts
$ ./ <path to file>
You can use well-known code coverage program, such as gcov, lcov, gcovr, etc, to measure the code coverage after generating gcda files.
$ gcovr .
To exit the QEMU system, press Ctrl + A and then X.
You may find more information about baremetal application and testing on QEMU from the following links.
You may find more information about the ARM GNU toolchain from the following link.
This project source code is available under MIT license. See LICENSE.
Please refer to the individual licenses for more details on the permissions and restrictions imposed by each library.