This repo contains a Golang library and CLI for analyzing k8s connectivity-configuration resources (a.k.a. network policies).
Evaluate if a specific connection allowed
k8snetpolicy evaluate [flags]
evaluate, eval, check, allow
# Evaluate if a specific connection is allowed on given resources from dir path
k8snetpolicy eval --dirpath ./resources_dir/ -s pod-1 -d pod-2 -p 80
# Evaluate if a specific connection is allowed on a live k8s cluster
k8snetpolicy eval -k ./kube/config -s pod-1 -d pod-2 -p 80
--destination-ip string Destination (external) IP address
--destination-namespace string Destination pod namespace (default "default")
-d, --destination-pod string Destination pod name
-p, --destination-port string Destination port (name or number)
-h, --help help for evaluate
--protocol string Protocol in use (tcp, udp, sctp) (default "tcp")
--source-ip string Source (external) IP address
-n, --source-namespace string Source pod namespace (default "default")
-s, --source-pod string Source pod name, required
Global Flags:
-c, --context string Kubernetes context to use when evaluating connections in a live cluster
--dirpath string Resources dir path when evaluating connections from a dir
-k, --kubeconfig string Path and file to use for kubeconfig when evaluating connections in a live cluster
Lists all allowed connections based on the workloads and network policies defined
k8snetpolicy list [flags]
# Get list of allowed connections from resources dir path
k8snetpolicy list --dirpath ./resources_dir/
# Get list of allowed connections from live k8s cluster
k8snetpolicy list -k ./kube/config
--focusworkload Focus connections of specified workload name in the output
-o, --output string Required output format (txt, json, dot, csv, md) (default "txt")
-h, --help help for list
Global Flags:
-c, --context string Kubernetes context to use when evaluating connections in a live cluster
--dirpath string Resources dir path when evaluating connections from a dir
-k, --kubeconfig string Path and file to use for kubeconfig when evaluating connections in a live cluster
$ k8snetpolicy eval --dirpath tests/onlineboutique -s adservice-77d5cd745d-t8mx4 -d emailservice-54c7c5d9d-vp27n -p 80
default/adservice-77d5cd745d-t8mx4 => default/emailservice-54c7c5d9d-vp27n over tcp/80: false
$ k8snetpolicy list --dirpath tests/onlineboutique_workloads => default/redis-cart[Deployment] : All Connections
default/adservice[Deployment] => default/adservice[Deployment] : All Connections
default/cartservice[Deployment] => default/cartservice[Deployment] : All Connections
default/checkoutservice[Deployment] => default/cartservice[Deployment] : TCP 7070
default/checkoutservice[Deployment] => default/checkoutservice[Deployment] : All Connections
default/checkoutservice[Deployment] => default/currencyservice[Deployment] : TCP 7000
default/checkoutservice[Deployment] => default/emailservice[Deployment] : TCP 8080
default/checkoutservice[Deployment] => default/paymentservice[Deployment] : TCP 50051
default/checkoutservice[Deployment] => default/productcatalogservice[Deployment] : TCP 3550
default/checkoutservice[Deployment] => default/shippingservice[Deployment] : TCP 50051
default/currencyservice[Deployment] => default/currencyservice[Deployment] : All Connections
default/emailservice[Deployment] => default/emailservice[Deployment] : All Connections
default/frontend[Deployment] => default/adservice[Deployment] : TCP 9555
default/frontend[Deployment] => default/cartservice[Deployment] : TCP 7070
default/frontend[Deployment] => default/checkoutservice[Deployment] : TCP 5050
default/frontend[Deployment] => default/currencyservice[Deployment] : TCP 7000
default/frontend[Deployment] => default/frontend[Deployment] : All Connections
default/frontend[Deployment] => default/productcatalogservice[Deployment] : TCP 3550
default/frontend[Deployment] => default/recommendationservice[Deployment] : TCP 8080
default/frontend[Deployment] => default/shippingservice[Deployment] : TCP 50051
default/loadgenerator[Deployment] => default/frontend[Deployment] : TCP 8080
default/paymentservice[Deployment] => default/paymentservice[Deployment] : All Connections
default/productcatalogservice[Deployment] => default/productcatalogservice[Deployment] : All Connections
default/recommendationservice[Deployment] => default/productcatalogservice[Deployment] : TCP 3550
default/recommendationservice[Deployment] => default/recommendationservice[Deployment] : All Connections
default/redis-cart[Deployment] => : All Connections
default/redis-cart[Deployment] => default/redis-cart[Deployment] : All Connections
default/shippingservice[Deployment] => default/shippingservice[Deployment] : All Connections
Make sure you have golang 1.18+ on your platform
git clone [email protected]:np-guard/netpol-analyzer.git
cd netpol-analyzer
make mod
make build
Test your build by running ./bin/k8snetpolicy -h