This is a cli tool project created to manage tasks and backlogs on cli for developers who want quick access of all tasks while working on terminal itself.
npm install -g backlog-cli-manager
- If it says backlog already exists, use --force flag
npm install -g backlog-cli-manager --force
- In windows systems, set permission to access files by
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
- Initialise the tool and use it from same directory later
Initialise with File system
backlog --init
Or Use Github (Check PreRequisite also)
backlog --init --setcredentials
- Have a Github Account
- Have a public RepoGenerate and
- Copy a Personal access token with read/write/admin rights on repos.
We do not take any credentials and everything is stored on your system only for all purpose use
Note: Using via Docker:
- Pull latest Image from DockerHub and Run the container. Use the container shell to interact with package.
Add backlog with name, description, priority, deadline and in todo status by default
Validation of Inputs with Errors
BacklogID is autogenerated
Import backlogs from other systems
backlog -a -n <name> -p <priority> -dl <deadline> -d <description> -t
backlog -n <name> -w
backlog -n <name> -c
backlog -la
backlog -l -p <priority>
backlog -l -dl <deadline>
backlog -l -c/w/t
backlog -r <name>
backlog -e -n <name> -un <updatedName> -d <description> -dl <02-02-2024> -p <priority>
backlog -imp -pth <path_to_file>
Check Compliance before installing in Organisation Systems
Reach out by creating comments/issues/mail or connect to social media via: