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test opencl-find-deal; fix the build #762

test opencl-find-deal; fix the build

test opencl-find-deal; fix the build #762

# This file is GENERATED BY
# fc-solve/CI-testing/
WHAT: ${{ matrix.env.WHAT }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: 'true'
- run: sudo apt-get update -qq
- run: sudo apt-get -y remove libgd3 libunwind-14 libunwind-dev nginx
- run: sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y eatmydata
- run: sudo eatmydata apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y asciidoc
bison cmake cmake-data cpanminus dbtoepub docbook-xsl docbook-xsl-ns
docbook5-xml golang-go gperf graphicsmagick libapr1-dev libc6-dbg
libcmocka-dev libdb5.3-dev libgd-dev libgmp-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev
libhunspell-dev libperl-dev libxml-libxslt-perl libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
lynx mercurial ninja-build optipng perl pysassc python3 python3-pip
python3-setuptools rsync silversearcher-ag strip-nondeterminism valgrind
vim xsltproc
- run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
} ; local_lib_shim ; if test "$WHAT" = "normal" ; then sudo rm -fr
~/gopath ; . fc-solve/scripts/ci-before-install.bash ; fi
- run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
} ; local_lib_shim ; if test "$WHAT" = "normal" ; then sudo rm -fr
~/gopath ; . fc-solve/scripts/ci-before-install.bash ; fi
- run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
} ; local_lib_shim ; if test "$WHAT" = "normal" ; then . fc-solve/scripts/ci-install-stage.bash
; elif test "$WHAT" = "buildproc" ; then . fc-solve/scripts/ci-docker-test--install.bash
; fi
- run: local_lib_shim() { eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=$HOME/perl_modules)";
} ; local_lib_shim ; if test "$WHAT" = "normal" ; then export XML_CATALOG_FILES="/etc/xml/catalog
$HOME/markup-validator/htdocs/sgml-lib/catalog.xml" ; bash fc-solve/scripts/run-ci-tests.bash
; elif test "$WHAT" = "buildproc" ; then cd fc-solve/source/ && perl
../scripts/ ; fi
- env:
WHAT: normal
- env:
WHAT: buildproc
name: use-github-actions
- push