For importing Catfish content in to Croissant
Add variable
Commands should be run from croissant command runner
run php croissant plugin:catfish:import
to start import. You might want to use nohup/disown. Import might take few hours and your ssh connection might close.
import runner have additional options
-p amount of processes
-c amount of posts imported per one process
--update run only posts updated from last time
-l limit amount of posts
it will ignore all posts older than the date limit
-vvv to change default symfony command verbosity
run wp eval-file src/cli-runner/catfish-import-posts.php {space separated urls}
. This command will update posts by their urls. use --debug to increase verbosity
run wp eval-file src/cli-runner/catfish-posts-update-times.php
. This will give you list of post_url{SEPARATOR}update_time
of current 'stock'
For security reasons when new user is created from old system they are all assigned one and only one role called 'purgatory' to make it possible for those people to log in, you will have to adjust their privileges
nohup php croissant plugin:catfish:import >>/tmp/catfish_cmd_output.log 2>> /tmp/catfish_cmd_error.log &