This a Flask web app to predict handwritten english capital letters and digits using a deep convolutional neural network built with Keras and trained on the NIST and MNIST dataset.
Live demo :
To re-train a different model or see the existing model, check the training notebook
(remember to remove the "-cpu" from tensorflow-cpu in requirements.txt)
cd app/
pip install -r requirements.txt
First of all make sure you have a heroku account and heroku CLI installed
Then just use the following commands from the root of the repository
heroku login
heroku create <your-app-name-here>
Now we are going to push only the app folder to heroku, since the other files are irrelevant for production
git init
git commit -am "1st commit"
git subtree push --prefix app/ heroku master
If any edit is done, push it again-
git add app/
git commit -am "<Commit Message>"
git subtree push --prefix app/ heroku master
And That's it ! The app is now running on the cloud and available for anyone to check.
For more additional information about deploying apps to heroku, can check their guide