Welcome to Hacktoberfest! We're so glad you're here.
- If you don't already have Git installed on your computer, follow instructions here
- Download Git at https://git-scm.com/downloads
- If you don't already have a Github account, please create a free account by clicking 'Sign Up' in the top righthand corner above.
- Github offers lots of great starter resources, so if you have time, check them out
- Use NVM (node version manager) to download node:
If you don't already have one, choose and install a code editor, and spend some time clicking around the features to get comfortable. Sublime Text, Atom, and Notepad++ are some of the more popular options.
- Learn Enough to be Dangerous covers command line, github, and text editor. If you need a boost in any of these, check them out! Free online.
- How to Participate in Hacktoberfest Even if You're New to Code
- Introduction to Open Source
- How to Contribute to Open Source
- How to Commit a Pull request
Your Name
- GitHub Summary of what you did today