A Compose Multiplatform App to browse info on characters, locations and episodes from the Rick and Morty universe
Download and Install Latest Release
You can check out the dektop version by importing this project on Android Studio and and running
./gradlew run
in the terminal
- Compose Multiplatform for Shared UI and App logic 🧑💻
- Koin for dependency Injection 💉
- Ktor for making Http requests 🌐
- MVI + Clean architecture
- Kotlinx Serialization for Json parsing 📄
- LandScapist for Images 🌆
- Room for Local Databse 📊
- Kotlin Coroutines 🌴
- Add a way to view browsing history. Like how deep you are in the rabbit hole
- Add a way to allow users to contribute information to the api. This could help the database to stay up to date as it is two seasons behind :(
- Add settings and Info pages