This project is an api wrapper for Google API V3.
Currently it contains only Calendar API.
It supports OAuth2.0 Server Flow and Service Accounts authorization.
Unfortunately, now Apex can not sign with SHA256withRSA.
So if you want to use Service Accounts authorization, you must prepare a sign server.
GoogleOAuth oauth = new GoogleOAuth(
String loginUrl = oauth.getLoginUrl();
//ToDo Open loginUrl and get authorization code.
GoogleOAuth.AuthResponse auth = oauth.authenticate(code);
service = new GoogleCalendarService();
service.setAccessToken(auth.token_type, auth.access_token);
SignServer sign = new SignServer('');
service = new GoogleCalendarService(sign);
JWT jwt = new JWT('[email protected]');
- Acl
- delete
- get
- insert
- list
- patch
- update
- CalendarList
- list
- get
- Calendars
- delete
- get
- insert
- update
- patch
- clear
- Events
- delete
- get
- list
- insert
- patch
- update
- quickAdd
- CalendarList
- delete
- insert
- patch
- update
- Colors
- Events
- import
- instances
- move
- watch
- Freebusy
- Settings
- Channels
List<GoogleCalendarList> calList = service.listCalendarList().items;
GoogleCalendar cal = calList.get(0);
GoogleCalendarEvent event = new GoogleCalendarEvent('Event title', Date.newInstance(2013, 11, 28));
event.location = 'Tokyo';
event.description = 'hahaha';
event = service.insertEvent(cal, event);