- Install PlatformIO by VSCode plugin
- Install M5Stack libraries
- PIO Home > Libraries > M5Stack > Add Project
- After that theses are set in /.pio/libdeps
- microSD card
- Image Data
- An image size must be set 320*240, because M5 libraries does not have zooming image method.
- Sad.jpg and Smile.jpg are saved on SD. (Jan, 2023)
- format is FAT32
- Image Data
- Include libraries
- Go to PIO Home
- Select
tab on side menu - Search and select libraries
- Tap
Add to Project
- Search libraries(ref)
- Generate Bluetooth Service UUID and Characteristic UUID on this page.
- Build
- Write to devices
- setup as following
// main.cpp
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // 115200 is serial port number
// platformio.ini
monitor_speed = 115200
- build and run source files
- open serial monitor