The official project of paper "Visual Text Meets Low-level Vision: A Comprehensive Survey on Visual Text Processing"
This repository contains a paper collection of recent works for visual text processing tasks.
- Text Image Super-resolution
- Document Image Dewarping
- Text Image Denosing
- Scene Text Removal
- Scene Text Editing
- Scene Text Generation
- Boosting Optical Character Recognition: A Super-Resolution Approach (2015 arxiv) paper
- Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network (2017 CVPR) paper
- TextSR: Content-Aware Text Super-Resolution Guided by Recognition (2019 arxiv) paper code
- Selective Super-Resolution for Scene Text Images (2019 ICDAR) paper
- Text-Attentional Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Super-Resolution of Text Images (2019 ICME) paper
- Collaborative Deep Learning for Super-Resolving Blurry Text Images (2020 TCI) paper
- PlugNet: Degradation Aware Scene Text Recognition Supervised by a Pluggable Super-Resolution Unit (2020 ECCV) paper
- Scene Text Image Super-Resolution in the Wild (2020 ECCV) paper code
- Scene Text Telescope: Text-Focused Scene Image Super-Resolution (2021 CVPR) paper
- Scene Text Image Super-Resolution via Parallelly Contextual Attention Network (2021 CVPR) paper
- Text Prior Guided Scene Text Image Super-Resolution (2021 TIP) paper code
- A text attention network for spatial deformation robust scene text image super-resolution (2022 CVPR) paper code
- C3-STISR: Scene Text Image Super-resolution with Triple Clues (2022 IJCAI) [paper]
- Text gestalt: Stroke-aware scene text image super-resolution (2022 AAAI) paper code
- A Benchmark for Chinese-English Scene Text Image Super-Resolution (2023 ICCV) paper code
- Text Image Super-Resolution Guided by Text Structure and Embedding Priors (2023 ACM MM) paper
- Improving Scene Text Image Super-Resolution via Dual Prior Modulation Network (2023 AAAI) paper code
- Learning Generative Structure Prior for Blind Text Image Super-Resolution (2023 CVPR) paper code
- A Fast Page Outline Detection and Dewarping Method Based on Iterative Cut and Adaptive Coordinate Transform (2019 ICDARW) paper
- DocUNet: Document Image Unwarping via a Stacked U-Net (2018 CVPR)paper
- DewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression Networks (2019 ICCV) [paper code
- Document rectification and illumination correction using a patch-based CNN (2019 TOG) paper
- Dewarping Document Image by Displacement Flow Estimation with Fully Convolutional Network (2020 IAPR) paper
- Geometric rectification of document images using adversarial gated unwarping network (2020 PR) paper
- DocScanner: Robust Document Image Rectification with Progressive Learning (2021 arxiv) paper
- End-to-End Piece-Wise Unwarping of Document Images (2021 ICCV) paper
- Document Dewarping with Control Points (2021 ICDAR) paper paper
- DocTr: Document Image Transformer for Geometric Unwarping and Illumination Correction (2021 ACM MM) paper code
- Revisiting Document Image Dewarping by Grid Regularization (2022 CVPR) paper
- Fourier Document Restoration for Robust Document Dewarping and Recognition ((2022 CVPR) paper
- Learning an Isometric Surface Parameterization for Texture Unwrapping (2022 ECCV) paper code
- Geometric Representation Learning for Document Image Rectification (2022 ECCV) paper
- Learning From Documents in the Wild to Improve Document Unwarping (2022 SIGGRAPH) paper code
- Marior: Margin Removal and Iterative Content Rectification for Document Dewarping in the Wild (2023 ACM MM) paper code
- DocAligner: Annotating Real-world Photographic Document Images by Simply Taking Pictures (2023 arxiv) paper
- DocMAE: Document Image Rectification via Self-supervised Representation Learning (2023 ICME*) paper
- Deep Unrestricted Document Image Rectification (2023 arxiv) paper code
- Layout-aware Single-image Document Flattening (2023 TOG) paper code
- Shading Removal of Illustrated Documents (2013 ICDAR) paper
- Nonparametric illumination correction for scanned document images via convex hulls (2013 TPAMI) paper
- Removing shadows from images of documents (2016 ACCV) paper
- Document enhancement using visibility detection (2018 CVPR) paper
- Water-Filling: An Efficient Algorithm for Digitized Document Shadow Removal (2018 ACCV) paper
- Learning to Clean: A GAN Perspective (2018 ACCVW) paper
- Deeperase: Weakly supervised ink artifact removal in document text images (2020 WACV) paper
- From Shadow Segmentation to Shadow Removal (2020 ECCV) paper
- BEDSR-Net: A Deep Shadow Removal Network From a Single Document Image (2020 CVPR) paper
- Light-Weight Document Image Cleanup Using Perceptual Loss (2021 ICDAR) paper
- RecycleNet: An Overlapped Text Instance Recovery Approach (2021 ACM MM) paper
- End-to-End Unsupervised Document Image Blind Denoising (2021 ICCV) paper
- Bijective mapping network for shadow removal (2022 CVPR) paper
- Style-guided shadow removal (2022 ECCV) paper code
- UDoc-GAN: Unpaired Document Illumination Correction with Background Light Prior (2022 ACM MM) paper code
- LP-IOANet: Efficient High Resolution Document Shadow Removal (2023 ICASSP) paper
- Shadow Removal of Text Document Images Using Background Estimation and Adaptive Text Enhancement (2023 ICASSP) paper
- Mask-Guided Stamp Erasure for Real Document Image (2023 ICME) paper
- Document Image Shadow Removal Guided by Color-Aware Background (2023 CVPR) paper
- DocDiff: Document Enhancement via Residual Diffusion Models (2023 ACM MM) paper code
- DocNLC: ADocument Image Enhancement Framework with Normalized and Latent Contrastive Representation for Multiple Degradations (2024 AAAI) paper code
- Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks* (2017 CVPR) paper
- Scene text eraser (2017 ICDAR) paper
- Automatic Semantic Content Removal by Learning to Neglect (2018 BMVC) paper
- Ensnet: Ensconce text in the wild (2019 AAAI) paper code
- Mtrnet: A generic scene text eraser (2019 ICDAR) paper
- Erasenet: End-to-end text removal in the wild (2020 TIP) paper code
- Mtrnet++: One-stage mask-based scene text eraser (2020 CVIU) paper
- Erasing scene text with weak supervision (2020 WACV) paper
- Stroke-Based Scene Text Erasing Using Synthetic Data for Training (2021 TIP) paper
- Text region conditional generative adversarial network for text concealment in the wild (2021 TCSVT) paper
- Two-Stage Seamless Text Erasing On Real-World Scene Images (2021 ICIP) paper
- Scene text removal via cascaded text stroke detection and erasing (2022 CVM) paper
- Self-supervised text erasing with controllable image synthesis (2022 ACM MM) paper
- Multi-branch network with ensemble learning for text removal in the wild (2022 ACCV) paper
- The Surprisingly Straightforward Scene Text Removal Method with Gated Attention and Region of Interest Generation: A Comprehensive Prominent Model Analysis (2022 ECCV) paper code
- Don’t forget me: accurate background recovery for text removal via modeling local-global context (2022 ECCV) paper code
- Psstrnet: progressive segmentation-guided scene text removal network (2022 ICME) paper
- Fetnet: Feature erasing and transferring network for scene text removal (2023 PR) paper
- Modeling stroke mask for end-to-end text erasing (2023 WACV) paper
- Viteraser: Harnessing the power of vision transformers for scene text removal with segmim pretraining (2023 arxiv) paper code
- Progressive scene text erasing with self-supervision (2023 CVIU) paper
- What is the Real Need for Scene Text Removal? Exploring the Background Integrity and Erasure Exhaustivity Properties (2023 TIP) paper code
- Selective scene text removal (2023 BMVC) paper code
- Scene text magnifier (2019 ICDAR) paper
- Selective style transfer for text (2019 ICDAR) paper code
- Editing text in the wild (2019 ACM MM) paper code
- Swaptext: Image based texts transfer in scenes (2020 CVPR) paper
- Scene text transfer for cross-language (2021 ICIG) paper
- Mask-guided gan for robust text editing in the scene (2021 Neurocomputing) paper
- Stefann: scene text editor using font adaptive neural network (2020 CVPR) paper
- Deep learning-based forgery attack on document images (2021 TIP) paper
- Strive: Scene text replacement in videos (2021 ICCV) paper
- RewriteNet: Reliable Scene Text Editing with Implicit Decomposition of Text Contents and Styles (2022 CVPRW) paper code
- Fast: Font-agnostic scene text editing (2023 arxiv) paper
- Letter Embedding Guidance Diffusion Model for Scene Text Editing (2023 ICME) paper
- Exploring stroke-level modifications for scene text editing (2023 AAAI) paper code
- Textstylebrush: Transfer of text aesthetics from a single example (2023 TPAMI) paper
- Self-Supervised Cross-Language Scene Text Editing (2023 ACM MM) paper
- Scene style text editing (2023 arxiv) paper
- Improving Diffusion Models for Scene Text Editing with Dual Encoders (2023 arxiv) paper code
- Towards scene-text to scene-text translation (2023 arxiv) paper
- DiffUTE: Universal Text Editing Diffusion Model (2023 NIPS) paper code
- On manipulating scene text in the wild with diffusion models (2024 WACV) paper
- AnyText: Multilingual Visual Text Generation And Editing (2024 ICLR) paper code
- Choose What You Need: Disentangled Representation Learning for Scene Text Recognition, Removal and Editing (2024 CVPR) paper
- TextCtrl: Diffusion-based Scene Text Editing with Prior Guidance Control (2024 NIPS) paper code
- How Control Information Influences Multilingual Text Image Generation and Editing? (2024 NIPS) paper code
- TextMaster: Universal Controllable Text Edit (2024 arxiv) paper
- AnyText2: Visual Text Generation and Editing With Customizable Attributes (2024 arxiv) paper code
- Synthetic Data and Artificial Neural Networks for Natural Scene Text Recognition (2014 arxiv) paper
- Synthetic data for text localisation in natural images (2016 CVPR) paper paper code
- Text detection in traffic informatory signs using synthetic data (2017 ICDAR) paper
- Verisimilar image synthesis for accurate detection and recognition of texts in scenes (2018 ECCV) paper code
- Spatial Fusion GAN for Image Synthesis (2019 CVPR) paper
- Learning to draw text in natural images with conditional adversarial networks (2019 IJCAI) paper
- ScrabbleGAN: Semi-Supervised Varying Length Handwritten Text Generation (2020 CVPR) paper
- SynthText3D: synthesizing scene text images from 3D virtual worlds (2020 Science China Information Sciences) paper
- UnrealText: Synthesizing Realistic Scene Text Images from the Unreal World (2020 arxiv) paper code
- Synthtiger: Synthetic text image generator towards better text recognition models (2021 ICDAR) paper code
- Vector Quantized Diffusion Model for Text-to-Image Synthesis (2022 CVPR) paper
- Photorealistic text-to-image diffusion models with deep language understanding (2022 NIPS) paper
- eDiff-I: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with an Ensemble of Expert Denoisers (2022 arxiv) paper code
- Character-Aware Models Improve Visual Text Rendering (2022 arxiv) paper
- Deepfloyd (2023) code
- GlyphDraw: Seamlessly Rendering Text with Intricate Spatial Structures in Text-to-Image Generation (2023 arxiv) paper code
- TextDiffuser: Diffusion Models as Text Painters (2023 NIPS) paper code
- Glyphcontrol: Glyph conditional control for visual text generation (2023 NIPS) paper code
- AnyText: Multilingual Visual Text Generation And Editing (2024 ICLR) paper code
- How Control Information Influences Multilingual Text Image Generation and Editing? (2024 NIPS) paper code
- First Creating Backgrounds Then Rendering Texts: A New Paradigm for Visual Text Blending (2024 ECAI) paper
- Glyph-ByT5: A Customized Text Encoder for Accurate Visual Text Rendering (2024 ECCV) paper code
- TextDiffuser-2: Unleashing the Power of Language Models for Text Rendering (2024 ECCV) paper code
- AnyText2: Visual Text Generation and Editing With Customizable Attributes (2024 arxiv) paper code
- Type-R: Automatically Retouching Typos for Text-to-Image Generation (2024 arxiv) paper
If you are interested in it, please star our project! And cite our paper as follows:
title={Visual Text Meets Low-level Vision: A Comprehensive Survey on Visual Text Processing},
author={Shu, Yan and Zeng, Weichao and Li, Zhenhang and Zhao, Fangmin and Zhou, Yu},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.03082},