The aim of this project is to add mails from GMail to the Inbox in Dynalist.
You need to obtain the credentials for accessing the Google GMail API. This is explained here.
To run the script first create a new virtualenv in the project folder:
python3 -m venv .
Then install the libraries needed for accessing the GMail API:
pip3 install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
You need to obtain an API secret from the Dynalist Developers page. Once you have it, save it in a file called dynalistToken.txt
in the project root folder.
By default, the script adds only the starred emails to Dynalist.
In order to make sure that the emails are not posted multiple times to Dynalist, the posted message IDs are stored in a SQLite database. Then, before posting a new message, a check is made against the DB to see if it was already posted or not.
You need to install the package sqlite-utils
pip3 install sqlite-utils
A new SQLite DB with the name emails.db
will be created in the root folder of the project.