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Development repository for the Mobile Center SDK for .NET platforms, including Xamarin


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Mobile Center SDK for Xamarin


The Mobile Center Xamarin SDK lets you add our services to your iOS and Android applications.

The SDK supports the following services:

  1. Analytics: Mobile Center Analytics helps you understand user behavior and customer engagement to improve your app. The SDK automatically captures session count and device properties like model, OS Version etc. You can define your own custom events to measure things that matter to your business. All the information captured is available in the Mobile Center portal for you to analyze the data.

  2. Crashes: The Mobile Center SDK will automatically generate a crash log every time your app crashes. The log is first written to the device's storage and when the user starts the app again, the crash report will be forwarded to Mobile Center. Collecting crashes works for both beta and live apps, i.e. those submitted to Google Play or other app stores. Crash logs contain viable information for you to help resolve the issue. The SDK gives you a lot of flexibility how to handle a crash log. As a developer you can collect and add additional information to the report if you like.

This document contains the following sections:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Supported Platforms
  3. Setup
  4. Start the SDK
  5. Analytics APIs
  6. Crashes APIs
  7. Advanced APIs
  8. Contributing
  9. Contact

Let's get started with setting up Mobile Center Xamarin SDK in your app to use these services:

1. Prerequisites

Before you begin, please make sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • A project setup in Xamarin Studio or Xamarin for Visual Studio.
  • You are not using other crash services on the same mobile app for iOS platform.

2. Supported Platforms

We support the following platforms:

  • Xamarin.iOS
    Choose this option if you want to use Xamarin only in iOS application. You need to create one app in Mobile Center portal with OS as iOS and platform as Xamarin.
  • Xamarin.Android
    Choose this option if you want to use Xamarin only in Android application. You need to create one app in Mobile Center portal with OS as Android and platform as Xamarin.
  • Xamarin.Forms (iOS and Android)
    Choose this option if you want to create cross platform app in iOS and Android. You need to create two apps in Mobile Center - one for each OS and select platform as Xamarin.
  • Xamarin.Forms (Tizen) Choose this option if you want to create Xamarin.Forms appication for Tizen. You need to create one app in Mobile Center portal with OS as Tizen and platform as Xamarin.

3. Setup

Mobile Center SDK is designed with a modular approach – a developer only needs to integrate the modules of the services that they're interested in. If you'd like to get started with just Analytics or Crashes, include their packages in your app. For each iOS, Android and Forms project, add the 'Mobile Center Analytics' and 'Mobile Center Crashes' packages.

For Xamarin Studio

For Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android:

  • Navigate to the Project -> 'Add NuGet Packages...'
  • Search for 'Mobile Center' and select "Mobile Center Analytics" and "Mobile Center Crashes". Then Click 'Add Packages'

For Xamarin.Forms
Multiplatform Xamarin.Forms app has three projects in your solution - portable class library or shared library, project.Droid, project.iOS . You need to add NuGet packages to each of these projects.

  • Navigate to the Project -> 'Add NuGet Packages...'
  • Search for 'Mobile Center' and select "Mobile Center Analytics" and "Mobile Center Crashes". Then Click 'Add Packages'

For Xamarin.Forms (Tizen)
Currently Xamarin.Forms app development for Tizen is only supported in Visual Studio, with Tizen Tools for Visual Studio.

For Xamarin for Visual Studio

  • Navigate Project -> Manage NuGet Packages...
  • Search for 'Mobile Center' and select "Mobile Center Analytics" and "Mobile Center Crashes". Then Click 'Add Packages'

Using Package Manager Console

  • Make sure Package Manager Console is opened in either Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio. You will have to install an add-in for Xamarin Studio.
  • Type the following commands:
    PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Analytics
    PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Crashes

Now that you've integrated the SDK in your application, it's time to start the SDK and make use of Mobile Center services.

Note: If you installed the "Mobile Center Crashes" package for iOS prior to version 0.3.0, your iOS project should contain the folder "MobileCenterFrameworks" and its contents. It is no longer required and safe to delete.

Note: If you install any Mobile Center Package for Tizen, make sure you include the following Tizen privileges in the tizen-manifest.xml file.

4. Start the SDK

To start the SDK in your app, follow these steps:

  1. Add using statements: Add the appropriate namespaces before you get started with using our APIs.

    Xamarin.iOS - Open AppDelegate.cs file and add the lines below the existing using statements

    Xamarin.Android - Open MainActivity.cs file and add the lines below the existing using statements

    Xamarin.Forms - Open App.xaml.cs file in your shared project and add these using statements

    Xamarin.Forms (Tizen) - Open App.Tizen.cs file in your shared project and add these using statements

    using Microsoft.Azure.Mobile;
    using Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Analytics;
    using Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Crashes;
  2. Start the SDK: Mobile Center provides developers with two modules to get started – Analytics and Crashes. In order to use these modules, you need to opt in for the module(s) that you'd like, meaning by default no module is started and you will have to explicitly call each of them when starting the SDK.


    Open AppDelegate.cs file and add the Start API in FinishedLaunching() method

    MobileCenter.Start("{Your Xamarin iOS App Secret}", typeof(Analytics), typeof(Crashes));


    Open MainActivity.cs file and add the Start API in OnCreate() method

    MobileCenter.Start("{Your Xamarin Android App Secret}", typeof(Analytics), typeof(Crashes));


    For creating a Xamarin.Forms application targeting both iOS and Android platforms, you need to create two applications in Mobile Center portal - one for each platform. Creating two apps will give you two App secrets - one for iOS and another for Android. Open the App.xaml.cs file (or your class that inherits Xamarin.Forms.Application) in your shared or portable project and add the API below in the OnStart() override method.

    MobileCenter.Start("ios={Your Xamarin iOS App Secret};android={Your Xamarin Android App secret}",typeof(Analytics), typeof(Crashes));

    Xamarin.Forms (Tizen)

    Open App.Tizen.cs file and add the Start API in the OnCreate() override method.

    MobileCenter.Start("{Your Xamarin Tizen App Secret}", typeof(Analytics), typeof(Crashes));

    You need to copy paste the App secret value for Xamarin iOS, Android and Tizen app from Mobile Center portal. Make sure to replace the placeholder text above with the actual values for your application.

    The example above shows how to use the Start() method and include both the Analytics and Crashes module. If you wish not to use Analytics, remove the parameter from the method call above. Note that, unless you explicitly specify each module as parameters in the start method, you can't use that Mobile Center service. Also, the Start() API can be used only once in the lifecycle of your app – all other calls will log a warning to the console and only the modules included in the first call will be available.

5. Analytics APIs

  • Track Session, Device Properties: Once the Analytics module is included in your app and the SDK is started, it will automatically track sessions, device properties like OS Version, model, manufacturer etc. and you don’t need to add any additional code. Look at the section above on how to Start the SDK if you haven't started it yet.

  • Custom Events: You can track your own custom events with specific properties to know what's happening in your app, understand user actions, and see the aggregates in the Mobile Center portal. Once you have started the SDK, use the TrackEvent() method to track your events with properties.

    Analytics.TrackEvent("Video clicked", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Category", "Music" }, { "FileName", "favorite.avi"}});
  • Enable or disable Analytics: You can change the enabled state of the Analytics module at runtime by calling the Analytics.Enabled property. If you disable it, the SDK will not collect any more analytics information for the app. To re-enable it, set property value as true.

    Analytics.Enabled = true;

    You can also check if the module is enabled or not using:

    bool isEnabled = Analytics.Enabled;

6. Crashes APIs

Once you set up and start the Mobile Center SDK to use the Crashes module in your application, the SDK will automatically start logging any crashes in the device's local storage. When the user opens the application again, all pending crash logs will automatically be forwarded to Mobile Center and you can analyze the crash along with the stack trace on the Mobile Center portal. Refer to the section to Start the SDK if you haven't done so already.

  • Generate a test crash: The SDK provides you with a static API to generate a test crash for easy testing of the SDK:


    Note that this API checks for debug vs release configurations. So you can only use it when debuging as it won't work for release apps.

  • Did the app crash in last session: At any time after starting the SDK, you can check if the app crashed in the previous session:

    bool didAppCrash = Crashes.HasCrashedInLastSession;
  • Enable or disable the Crashes module: You can disable and opt out of using the Crashes module by setting the Enabled property to false and the SDK will collect no crashes for your app. Use the same API to re-enable it by setting property as true.

    Crashes.Enabled = true;

    You can also check whether the module is enabled or not using:

    bool isEnabled = Crashes.Enabled;
  • Details about the last crash: If your app crashed previously, you can get details about the last crash:

    Crashes.GetLastSessionCrashReportAsync().ContinueWith(task =>
        var errorReport = task.Result;
        // inspect errorReport, can be null
  • Advanced Scenarios: The Crashes service provides events and callbacks for developers to perform additional actions before and when sending crash reports to Mobile Center. This gives you added flexibility on the crash reports that will be sent. Note that the events must be subscribed to and callbacks must be set before Mobile Center is started.

    The following callbacks are provided:

    • Should the crash be processed: Set this callback if you'd like to decide if a particular crash needs to be processed or not. For example - there could be some system level crashes that you'd want to ignore and don't want to send to Mobile Center.

      Crashes.ShouldProcessErrorReport = (report) =>
              return true; // return true if the crash report should be processed, otherwise false.
    • User Confirmation: By default the SDK automatically sends crash reports to Mobile Center. However, the SDK exposes a callback where you can tell it to await user confirmation before sending any crash reports. Your app is then responsible for obtaining confirmation, e.g. through a alert with one of these options - "Always Send", "Send", and "Don't Send". Based on the user input, you will tell the SDK and the crash will then respectively be forwarded to Mobile Center or not.

      Crashes.ShouldAwaitUserConfirmation = () =>
          return true; // Return true if the SDK should await user confirmation, otherwise false.

      If you return true, your app should obtain user permission and message the SDK with the result using the following API:

      Crashes.NotifyUserConfirmation(UserConfirmation confirmation);

      Pass one of UserConfirmation.Send, UserConfirmation.DontSend or UserConfirmation.AlwaysSend.

    The following events are provided:

    • Before sending a crash report: This callback will be invoked just before the crash is sent to Mobile Center:

      Crashes.SendingErrorReport += (sender, e) =>
    • When sending a crash report succeeded: This callback will be invoked after sending a crash report succeeded:

      Crashes.SentErrorReport += (sender, e) =>
    • When sending a crash report failed: This callback will be invoked after sending a crash report failed:

      Crashes.FailedToSendErrorReport += (sender, e) =>

7. Advanced APIs

  • Debugging: You can control the amount of log messages that show up from the SDK. Use the API below to enable additional logging while debugging. By default, it is set it to ASSERT for non-debuggable applications and WARN for debuggable applications.

        MobileCenter.LogLevel = LogLevel.Verbose;
  • Get Install Identifier: The Mobile Center SDK creates a UUID for each device once the app is installed. This identifier remains the same for a device when the app is updated and a new one is generated only when the app is re-installed. The following API is useful for debugging purposes.

        System.Guid installId = MobileCenter.InstallId;
  • Enable/Disable Mobile Center SDK: If you want the Mobile Center SDK to be disabled completely, use the Enabled property. When disabled, the SDK will not forward any information to MobileCenter.

        MobileCenter.Enabled = false;

8. Contributing

We're looking forward to your contributions via pull requests.

8.1 Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.

8.2 Contributor License

You must sign a Contributor License Agreement before submitting your pull request. To complete the Contributor License Agreement (CLA), you will need to submit a request via the form and then electronically sign the CLA when you receive the email containing the link to the document. You need to sign the CLA only once to cover submission to any Microsoft OSS project.

9. Contact

If you have further questions or are running into trouble that cannot be resolved by any of the steps here, feel free to open a Github issue here or contact us at [email protected].


Development repository for the Mobile Center SDK for .NET platforms, including Xamarin







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