Pre-releaseOmni 0.33.0-beta.0 (2024-04-12)
Welcome to the v0.33.0-beta.0 release of Omni!
This is a pre-release of Omni
Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at
Extensions Support
It is now possible to change the list of installed extensions for the machines which are allocated into a cluster.
It can be done using cluster templates.
The extensions list can be defined for all machines of a cluster, machine set or for a particular machine.
Extensions update is done the same way as Talos upgrades.
Machine Allocation Changes
From now on Omni doesn't allow adding machines to a cluster which has lower major or minor version of Talos.
Which means that adding a machine to a cluster which will lead to downgrade of Talos version is no longer possible.
It is done to avoid all kinds of weird issues which Talos downgrades might lead to.
- Artem Chernyshev
- Dmitriy Matrenichev
- Utku Ozdemir
- Andrey Smirnov
- Spencer Smith
- Justin Garrison
- Sherif Fanous
16 commits
release(v0.33.0-beta.0): prepare release592f916
feat: don't allow downgrades of the machines when adding to a cluster2e015a9
chore: support Auth0 client playing nicely with other OAuth2/OIDC providersde4c096
fix: ignore not existing cluster inMachineSet
teardown flowd3e3eef
chore: support WG over GRPC in Omni1cc5fb9
refactor: disable K8s stats for clusters with > 50 nodes1b64824
fix: add missingregion
input on the backups storage config pagef70239c
fix: ignoremodules.dep
virtual extension on schematic id calculation1196863
feat: forbid*.acceptedCAs
fields in config patches4c179fa
chore: bump Go to 1.22.2 and Talos machinery tov1.7.0-beta.0
fix: properly render download installation media page in Safari7fb5d2b
chore: add barebones compose file9d35dfe
chore: bump net library to v0.23.05dc2eaa
fix: prevent link and clustermachine deletion from getting stuckae85293
docs: add screenshot and install link2107c01
feat: support setting extensions list in the cluster template
Changes from siderolabs/crypto
2 commits
Changes from siderolabs/siderolink
5 commits
Dependency Changes
- github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.2.1 -> v4.3.0
- github.com/cosi-project/runtime v0.4.0-alpha.9 -> v0.4.1
- github.com/siderolabs/crypto v0.4.2 -> v0.4.4
- github.com/siderolabs/siderolink v0.3.4 -> v0.3.5
- github.com/siderolabs/talos/pkg/machinery v1.7.0-alpha.1 -> v1.7.0-beta.0
- golang.org/x/crypto v0.19.0 -> v0.21.0
- golang.org/x/net v0.21.0 -> v0.23.0
- golang.org/x/tools v0.16.1 -> v0.19.0
- golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard 12269c276173 new
Previous release can be found at v0.32.0