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siedi edited this page Jan 6, 2016 · 9 revisions

We want to run the test agent on our virtual host running Debian Jessie, without any display of course.

  • Install the virtual framebuffer Xvfb and some further modules with sudo aptitude install xvfb x11-xkb-utils xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable xfonts-cyrillic. There might be some more which I have forgotten or have been on my system already.

  • Configure Xvfb to start automatically in the background. As we are using Jessie with systemd we need to

    • Create the services file /etc/systemd/system/xvfb.service

      Description=Virtual Frame Buffer X Server
      ExecStart=/usr/bin/Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -ac -nolisten tcp
    • Enable with sudo systemctl enable xvfb.service

    • Start with sudo systemctl start xvfb.service

  • Install Chrome from Google

    We are using Googles repo, therefore:

    wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list
    sudo aptitude install chrome

    It might complain that there are some packages missing, just install them as well.

  • Fix Chrome startup script

    • The WebPagetest agent will start the program chrome, but this doesn't exist in the path, So we will create a symlink: sudo ln -s /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome /usr/bin/chrome.

    • We have to tell the google-chrome script to use our Xvfb display. Edit the file /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome and add the following line after the #!/bin/bash: export DISPLAY=:99.

    • Disable gpu in chrome, again edit the file /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome. Pretty much add the end, change the lines so they are looking like this:

      if [[ -n "$CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR" ]]; then
        # Note: exec -a below is a bashism.
        exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome"  \
          --user-data-dir="$CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR" --disable-gpu "$@"
        exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" --disable-gpu  "$@"
  • Finally, start the agent. Right now, I start it in a screen session. It has to run as a normal user, Chrome doesn't support root. Don't forget to change the ownership of the agent's folder the that user first: chown -R user /var/www/webpagetest/agent/js/ Start the agent (replace the location with whatever you have configured in your locations.ini): /var/www/webpagetest/agent/js/ --serverUrl -b chrome -i -l Jiffy

  • To watch the agent during the test, use VNC.

    • Install the VNC server x11vnc sudo aptitude install x11vnc
    • Start the VNC server x11vnc -localhost -display :99. There is no authentication, but as it listens to localhost only, it should be ok. Also, after you connect once, it will stop the process again.
    • From you local machine, ssh with port forwarding for vnc, something like this `ssh -L 5900: <your_agent_host>``
    • Start your VNC viewer on your local machine, connect to and have fun watching your test.
  • To get the video recording working, you have to patch /var/www/webpagetest/agent/js/src/browser_local_chrome.js

    diff --git a/agent/js/src/browser_local_chrome.js b/agent/js/src/browser_local_chrome.js
    index dda36c9..b8b853c 100644
    --- a/agent/js/src/browser_local_chrome.js
    +++ b/agent/js/src/browser_local_chrome.js
     var logger = require('logger');
     var browser_base = require('browser_base');
    +var process_utils = require('process_utils');
     var util = require('util');
     var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
    @@ -60,6 +61,9 @@ function BrowserLocalChrome(app, args) {
       this.chromeFlags_ = CHROME_FLAGS;
       this.task_ = args.task;
       this.supportsTracing = true;
    +  this.ffmpeg_ = 'ffmpeg';
    +  this.videoProcess_ = undefined;
    +  this.videoStarted_ = false;
     util.inherits(BrowserLocalChrome, browser_base.BrowserBase);
     /** @constructor */
    @@ -73,6 +77,7 @@ exports.BrowserLocalChrome = BrowserLocalChrome;
     BrowserLocalChrome.prototype.startWdServer = function(browserCaps) {
       'use strict';
    +'Starting BrowserLocalChrome.prototype.startWdServer');
       var requestedBrowserName = browserCaps[webdriver.Capability.BROWSER_NAME];
       if (webdriver.Browser.CHROME !== requestedBrowserName) {
         throw new Error('BrowserLocalChrome called with unexpected browser ' +
    @@ -103,6 +108,7 @@ BrowserLocalChrome.prototype.startWdServer = function(browserCaps) {
     BrowserLocalChrome.prototype.startBrowser = function() {
       'use strict';
    +'Starting BrowserLocalChrome.prototype.startBrowser');
       // TODO(klm): clean profile, see how ChromeDriver does it.
       var flags = CHROME_FLAGS;
       flags.push('-remote-debugging-port=' + this.devToolsPort_);
    @@ -154,12 +160,60 @@ BrowserLocalChrome.prototype.scheduleGetCapabilities = function() {
             webdriver: !!this.chromedriver_,
             'wkrdp.Page.captureScreenshot': true,
             'wkrdp.Network.clearBrowserCache': true,
    -        'wkrdp.Network.clearBrowserCookies': true
    +        'wkrdp.Network.clearBrowserCookies': true,
    +        videoRecording: true,
    +        videoFileExtension: 'mp4'
     + * @param {string} filename The local filename to write to.
     + * @param {Function=} onExit Optional exit callback, as noted in video_hdmi.
     + */
     +BrowserLocalChrome.prototype.scheduleStartVideoRecording = function(
     +    filename) {
     +  'use strict';
     +'scheduleStartVideoRecording called');
     +  this.app_.schedule('Start video capture', function() {
     +    if (this.ffmpeg_) {
     +      process_utils.scheduleSpawn(this.app_, this.ffmpeg_,
     +          ['-y', '-f', 'x11grab', '-r', '24', '-s', '1024x768', '-loglevel', 'warning', '-frame_drop_threshold', '4', '-an', '-i', ':99.0', filename]).then(
     +          function(proc) {
     +        this.videoProcess_ = proc;
     +        this.videoProcess_.on('exit', function(code, signal) {
     +'ffmpeg EXIT code %s signal %s', code, signal);
     +          this.videoProcess_ = undefined;
     +        }.bind(this));
     +      }.bind(this));
     +    }
     +  }.bind(this));
     + * Stops the video recording.
     + */
     +BrowserLocalChrome.prototype.scheduleStopVideoRecording = function() {
     +  'use strict';
     +  if (this.videoProcess_) {
     +    this.app_.schedule('Stop video capture', function() {
     +      logger.debug('Killing video capture');
     +      try {
     +        this.videoProcess_.kill('SIGINT');
     +        this.app_.wait(function() {
     +          return this.videoProcess_ == undefined;
     +        }.bind(this), 30000).then(function() {
     +'Killed video capture');
     +        }.bind(this));
     +      } catch (killException) {
     +        logger.error('video capture kill failed: %s', killException);
     +        this.videoProcess_ = undefined;
     +      }
     +    }.bind(this));
     +  }
       * Starts packet capture.
       * #param {string} filename  local file where to copy the pcap result.

Not working / tbd:

  • Traffic shaping: ipfw is not available under Debian, you have to select "native connection (no traffic shapping)"
  • You will see something like chrome STDERR: Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display, this is ok. Tests will work, the library is not implemented in Xvfb yet.
  • When Chrome is started, it sometimes hangs and the script doesn't proceed. Either press Ctrl-C or kill the last chrome process by hand helps.