Your C++17 one header only run-time polymorphism (type erasure) library with no dependencies, macros and limited boilerplate
- Duck typing (No inheritance)
- Value semantics (Value vs reference semantics)
- Automatic memory management (No need for
) - Unified call syntax (Uniform function call syntax)
- Performance (Better inlining)
TE requires only one file. Get the latest header here!
#include <boost/te.hpp> // Requires C++17 (Tested: GCC-6+, Clang-4.0+, Apple:Clang-9.1+)
namespace te = boost::te;
// Define interface of something which is drawable
struct Drawable {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const {
te::call([](auto const &self, auto &out) { self.draw(out); }, *this, out);
// Define implementation which is drawable (No inheritance)
struct Square {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const { out << "Square"; }
// Define other implementation which is drawable (No inheritance)
struct Circle {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const { out << "Circle"; }
// Define object which can hold drawable objects
void draw(te::poly<Drawable> const &drawable) { drawable.draw(std::cout); }
int main() {
// Call draw polymorphically (Value semantics / Small Buffer Optimization)
draw(Circle{}); // prints Circle
draw(Square{}); // prints Square
struct Drawable : te::poly<Drawable> {
using te::poly<Drawable>::poly;
void draw(std::ostream &out) const {
te::call([](auto const &self, auto &out) { self.draw(out); }, *this, out);
void draw(Drawable const &drawable) { drawable.draw(std::cout); }
int main() {
draw(Circle{}); // prints Circle
draw(Square{}); // prints Square
int main() {
std::vector<te::poly<Drawable>> drawables{};
for (const auto &drawable : drawables) {
drawable.draw(std::cout); // prints Square Circle
struct Addable {
constexpr auto add(int i) { return te::call<int>(add_impl, *this, i); }
constexpr auto add(int a, int b) { return te::call<int>(add_impl, *this, a, b); }
static constexpr auto add_impl = [](auto &self, auto... args) {
return self.add(args...);
class Calc {
constexpr auto add(int i) { return i; }
constexpr auto add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
int main() {
te::poly<Addable> addable{Calc{}};
assert(3 == addable.add(3));
assert(3 == addable.add(1, 2));
namespace v1 {
struct Drawable {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const {
te::call([](auto const &self, auto &&... args) { self.draw(args...); }, *this, out, "v1");
} // namespace v1
namespace v2 {
struct Drawable : v1::Drawable {
Drawable() { te::extends<v1::Drawable>(*this); }
// override
void draw(std::ostream &out) const {
te::call([](auto const &self, auto &&... args) { self.draw(args...); }, *this, out, "v2");
// extend/overload
void draw(std::ostream& out, int minor) const {
te::call([](auto const &self, auto &&... args) { self.draw(args...); },
*this, out, "v2." + std::to_string(minor));
} // namespace v2
struct Square {
void draw(std::ostream &out, const std::string &v) const {
out << v << "::Square";
struct Circle {
void draw(std::ostream &out, const std::string &v) const {
out << v << "::Circle";
template <class T, class... Ts>
void draw(te::poly<T> const &drawable, const Ts... args) {
drawable.draw(std::cout, args...);
int main() {
draw<v1::Drawable>(Circle{}); // prints v1::Circle
draw<v1::Drawable>(Square{}); // prints v1::Square
draw<v2::Drawable>(Circle{}); // prints v2::Circle
draw<v2::Drawable>(Circle{}, 1); // prints v2.1::Circle
draw<v2::Drawable>(Square{}); // prints v2::Square
draw<v2::Drawable>(Square{}, 2); // prints v2.2::Square
struct Drawable {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const {
te::call([](auto const &self, auto &out)
-> decltype(self.draw(out)) { self.draw(out); }, *this, out);
struct Square {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const { out << "Square"; }
struct Circle {
// void draw(std::ostream &out) const { out << "Circle"; }
template<te::conceptify<Drawable> TDrawable>
void draw(TDrawable const &drawable) { drawable.draw(std::cout); }
int main() {
te::var<Drawable> auto drawable = Square{};
drawable.draw(std::cout);// prints Square
// te::var<Drawable> auto drawable = Square{}; // error: deduced initializer does not
// drawable.draw(std::cout); // satisfy placeholder constraints (draw)
auto drawable = Square{};
draw(drawable); // prints Square
// auto drawable = Circle{}; // error: constraints not satisifed (draw)
// draw(drawable);
void draw(struct Circle const&, std::ostream&);
struct Drawable {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const {
[](auto const &self, auto &out) {
if constexpr(std::experimental::is_detected<drawable_t, decltype(self), decltype(out)>{}) {
} else {
::draw(self, out);
}, *this, out
template<class T, class... Ts>
using drawable_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().draw(std::declval<Ts>()...));
struct Square {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const { out << "Member Square"; }
struct Circle { };
void draw(Circle const&, std::ostream& out) {
out << "Non-member Circle";
void draw(te::poly<Drawable> const &drawable) { drawable.draw(std::cout); }
int main() {
draw(Circle{}); // prints Non-member Circle
draw(Square{}); // prints Member Square
// header
struct Drawable {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const;
void draw(te::poly<Drawable> const &);
struct Square {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const { out << "Square"; }
struct Circle {
void draw(std::ostream &out) const { out << "Circle"; }
// cpp
void draw(te::poly<Drawable> const &drawable) { drawable.draw(std::cout); }
void Drawable::draw(std::ostream& out) const {
te::call([](auto const &self, auto &out) { self.draw(out); }, *this, out);
// uasage
int main() {
draw(Circle{}); // prints Circle
draw(Square{}); // prints Square
template <class> struct Function;
template <class R, class... Ts> struct Function<R(Ts...)> {
constexpr inline auto operator()(Ts... args) {
return te::call<R>([](auto &self, Ts... args) { return self(args...); }, *this, args...);
// Option 1 - Explicit requirements for class templates
// template<class T>
// auto requires__() -> decltype(&T::operator());
// Option 2 - Explicit template instantiation
// template struct Function<int(int)>;
int main() {
// Option 1 or 2 is required on some compilers
te::poly<Function<int(int)>> f{[](int i) { return i; }};
assert(42 == f(42));
int main() {
te::local_storage<16>, // te::dynamic_storage (default)
te::static_vtable // (default)
> drawable{Circle{}};
drawable.draw(std::cout); // prints Circle
#define REQUIRES(R, name, ...) R { \
return ::te::call<R>( \
[](auto&& self, auto&&... args) { \
return<decltype(args)>(args)...); \
}, *this, ## __VA_ARGS__ \
); \
struct Addable {
auto add(int i) -> REQUIRES(int, add, i);
auto add(int a, int b) -> REQUIRES(int, add, a, b);
class Calc {
auto add(int i) { return i; }
auto add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
int main() {
te::poly<Addable> addable{Calc{}};
assert(3 == addable.add(3));
assert(3 == addable.add(1, 2));
Inject it (DI)
class Example {
Example(Drawable const drawable, std::ostream& out)
: drawable{drawable}, out{out}
{ }
void draw() {
Drawable const drawable;
std::ostream& out;
int main() {
const auto injector = di::make_injector(
injector.create<Example>().draw(); // prints Circle
Mock it (GUnit)
"should mock drawable object"_test = [] {
GMock<Drawable> drawable;
EXPECT_CALL(drawable, draw(std::cout));
Disclaimer TE
is not an official Boost library.