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SF-3068 Improve Biblical Terms Tab when offline #7752

SF-3068 Improve Biblical Terms Tab when offline

SF-3068 Improve Biblical Terms Tab when offline #7752

Workflow file for this run

# Github Action to build and run tests
name: Build
branches: [develop, master, sf-qa, sf-live]
name: "Build and test"
# Environments in which to run, such as those used in development and production, or which are candidates to
# move to.
os: ["ubuntu-20.04"]
dotnet_version: ["8.0.x"]
node_version: ["18.20.2"]
npm_version: ["10.9.0"]
# Continue building in other environments to see which are working.
fail-fast: false
runs-on: ${{matrix.os}}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: "Deps: .NET"
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
dotnet-version: ${{matrix.dotnet_version}}
- name: "Deps: Node"
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: ${{matrix.node_version}}
- name: "Deps: npm"
run: npm install --global npm@${{matrix.npm_version}}
- name: Pre-build report
run: |
set -xueo pipefail
lsb_release -a
which dotnet
dotnet --version
dpkg -l dotnet\*
dotnet --list-sdks
dotnet --list-runtimes
which node
node --version
which npm
npm --version
which chromium-browser
chromium-browser --version
- name: "Ensure desired tool versions"
# The build machine may come with newer tools than we are ready for.
run: |
set -xueo pipefail
[[ $(node --version) == v${{matrix.node_version}} ]]
[[ $(npm --version) == ${{matrix.npm_version}} ]]
- name: "Deps: reportgenerator tool"
run: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
- name: "Deps: RealtimeServer npm"
run: cd src/RealtimeServer && (npm ci || (sleep 3m && npm ci))
- name: "Deps: Backend nuget"
run: dotnet restore
- name: "Deps: Frontend npm"
run: cd src/SIL.XForge.Scripture/ClientApp && (npm ci || (sleep 3m && npm ci))
- name: "Build: Backend, RealtimeServer"
run: dotnet build xForge.sln
- name: "Build: Frontend"
run: cd src/SIL.XForge.Scripture/ClientApp && npm run build
- name: "Test: Ensure tests not focused on a subset"
# grep returns code 123 when no matches are found. The operator ! negates the exit code.
run: |
! git ls-files | grep "\\.spec\\.ts" | xargs grep -P "^\s*(fdescribe|fit)\("
- name: "Test: RealtimeServer"
run: cd src/RealtimeServer && npm run test:ci
- name: "Test: Backend"
run: |
dotnet test \
-p:CollectCoverage=true \
-e:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover \
- name: "Test: Frontend"
run: cd src/SIL.XForge.Scripture/ClientApp && npm run test:gha
- name: "Coverage: Backend"
run: |
reportgenerator \
-reports:test/*/coverage.opencover.xml \
-targetdir:coverage \
- name: "Coverage: Publish to Codecov"
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
name: "Production build and test"
os: ["ubuntu-20.04"]
dotnet_version: ["8.0.x"]
node_version: ["18.20.2"]
npm_version: ["10.9.0"]
fail-fast: false
runs-on: ${{matrix.os}}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: "Deps: .NET"
uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
dotnet-version: ${{matrix.dotnet_version}}
- name: "Deps: Node"
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: ${{matrix.node_version}}
- name: "Deps: npm"
run: npm install --global npm@${{matrix.npm_version}}
- name: Pre-build report
run: |
set -xueo pipefail
lsb_release -a
which dotnet
dotnet --version
dpkg -l dotnet\*
dotnet --list-sdks
dotnet --list-runtimes
which node
node --version
which npm
npm --version
which chromium-browser
chromium-browser --version
- name: "Ensure desired tool versions"
run: |
set -xueo pipefail
[[ $(node --version) == v${{matrix.node_version}} ]]
[[ $(npm --version) == ${{matrix.npm_version}} ]]
- name: "Production build"
run: scripts/build-production
- name: "Test: Backend"
run: dotnet test xForge.sln
- name: "Test: RealtimeServer"
run: cd src/RealtimeServer && npm run test:ci
- name: "Test: Frontend"
run: cd src/SIL.XForge.Scripture/ClientApp && npm run test:gha